The Divine Movement of Sufi Dance

"Let yourself become living poetry." - Rumi The Sufi tradition originated in the 13th century from the mystic sect of Islam. It grew with the popularity of the spiritual poet and pir, Rumi. As opposed to conducting outward religious ceremonies and rituals, Sufism believes in searching for God within. Living a simple life is important... Continue Reading →

Is A Collaboration Between Classical And Contemporary Dance A Good Idea?

Recently, a dance friend asked me if I would be interested in a collaboration with them (her and her husband), as they plan to open 2 new dance studios in the city. They wanted me to be part of their team, which means teaching as well as performing with their crew. I wasn't sure about... Continue Reading →

Freedom From Dancer’s Body Image

Photo by cottonbro on Advocating for positive body image is a struggle that every dancer goes through. It involves acceptance of self-image, awareness of strengths and weaknesses, facing societal body image norms, and promoting and normalising all body types. A body cannot be described by isolating it from its culture, physical features, and habits.... Continue Reading →

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