My Fitness and Blogging Journey in 2023

"Unexpected conversations with gorgeous souls." When your heart is happy, even during troubled times, that's when you are truly healthy. And the only place to start your fitness journey is where you are standing right now, physically and mentally. That's how I felt when I started this blog. I was doing myself a favor by... Continue Reading →

How To Become An Independent Thinker In An AI World

"Independence is loyalty to one's best self and principals." - Mark Twain An independent thinker is someone who does not simply conform to the conventional methods of society. The person uses his judgement and reasoning ability to understand if a practice is unbiased and leads to the growth of himself and the community. We, as... Continue Reading →

Pranayama Breathing Exercises To Prevent Sinus Problems 

"Pranayama - the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises." Sinus problems aggravated by cold weather can be prevented by practicing Pranayama breathing exercises regularly. Cold weather brings with it beautiful snow but also makes the air drier and the muscles stiff. It is difficult to breathe in extremely cold conditions. Keeping the... Continue Reading →

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