My Fitness and Blogging Journey in 2023

"Unexpected conversations with gorgeous souls." When your heart is happy, even during troubled times, that's when you are truly healthy. And the only place to start your fitness journey is where you are standing right now, physically and mentally. That's how I felt when I started this blog. I was doing myself a favor by... Continue Reading →

Celebrate Pollution Free Festivals With Family And Friends

"Let's clean up our environment and bodies, but most importantly, let's not permit our future generations to be polluted before they are born." - Louise Slaughter  Celebrating a festival needs a lot of preparation, shopping, decorations, and gifting. But besides that, what most people also have to suffer is pollution.  I am talking about health... Continue Reading →

Best Weight Loss Exercises For Thyroid Patients

Weight loss can be difficult for thyroid patients despite dietary changes, medications, and constant medical checkups. By regularly engaging in low-impact exercises, you can lose weight as well as improve your overall health. Thyroid disorders have become common because of drastic lifestyle changes and food habits. We are working longer hours without taking adequate rest.... Continue Reading →

Famous Authors And Their Exercise Routine 

Famous authors follow a disciplined writing routine. To keep their body and mind active, some authors like to exercise, like swimming, running, yoga, etc. Find out more about it in this article.  Sitting for long hours, writing on paper or online, day and night, is considered every writer's lifestyle. Once inspiration strikes, it's impossible to... Continue Reading →

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