Best Weight Loss Exercises For Thyroid Patients

weight loss exercises for thyroid patients

Weight loss can be difficult for thyroid patients despite dietary changes, medications, and constant medical checkups. By regularly engaging in low-impact exercises, you can lose weight as well as improve your overall health.

Thyroid disorders have become common because of drastic lifestyle changes and food habits. We are working longer hours without taking adequate rest. Soon, the early symptoms of thyroid disorder start showing, like constant fatigue and burnout. Most thyroid patients realise the severity of the condition when they begin experiencing sleeplessness, disturbed metabolism, and rapid weight fluctuations.
Thyroid disorder is also difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are often confused with other mild medical conditions. Thyroid patients often have to resort to lifelong changes in diet and medication. Managing weight becomes equally difficult for thyroid patients, and that is why low-impact exercises should be incorporated into daily life.
This post is a short review of the causes of thyroid disorders, their impact on patients lifestyles, and weight loss exercises to help thyroid patients.

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician and an expert gym coach before trying any new exercise, diet or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post.

Early signs of thyroid disorder
Managing weight as a thyroid patient
Exercises for weight loss and strength

The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck, wrapping the windpipe. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that help control metabolism.

“If your body makes too much thyroid hormone, you can develop a condition called hyperthyroidism. If your body makes too little thyroid hormone, it’s called hypothyroidism. Both conditions are serious and need to be treated by your healthcare provider.”

A disturbed metabolism means a lack of energy, rapid changes in heart beat, losing weight too quickly or gaining weight and not losing it easily, and in some cases, an inability to tolerate cold temperatures. Many people are affected by thyroid issue at a teenage and some after the age of 60. Some causes of thyroid disorders are thyrodities, iodine deficiency or excess, dysfunctional thyroid gland, Grave’s disease, overactive nodules, diabetes, etc.
The effects of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism vary, but the general signs that help detect thyroid disorder are:

  • anxiety and nervousness
  • sleeplessness
  • rapid weight fluctuations
  • fatigue
  • developing intolerance to heat or cold conditions
  • muscle weakness and tremors
  • irregular or heavy menstrual periods
  • hair loss
  • vision problems

As you can see, these are common problems that can also be confused with the cause of daily stress. A thorough medical examination of blood tests, imaging tests, and physicals is important to determine the precise and correct diagnosis.


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Two of my dance friends and my mother have different types of thyroid problems. I have seen my dance friend constantly struggle with weight issues, as the dance profession can be strict and regressive for some dance projects. My mother has successfully controlled it by staying active, taking prescribed medicines on time, and using portion control with every big meal. I understand that, in some cases, it is also caused by genetics or ageing. Unfortunately, the medication for a thyroid patient is lifelong.

According to the American Thyroid Association

“Metabolism is determined by measuring the amount of oxygen used by the body over a specific amount of time. If the measurement is made at rest, it is known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). “

Earlier, BMR was used to study thyroid patients, but it soon became evident that there were additional factors, such as the indirect effects of another medical condition that affects metabolism.

“Energy balance reflects the difference between the number of calories one eats and the number of calories the body uses.”
“Thus, the relationship between metabolic rates, energy balance, and weight changes is very complex.”

It was also observed that in hyperthyroidism condition, the overactive thyroid causes rapid weight loss that results in weakness. Hyperthyroidism pills also increase appetite, which means the patient may not lose weight but instead gain weight because of a higher calorie intake. Patients with hypothyroidism experience a decrease in BMR, which results in weight gain from excess accumulation of salt and water in the body.
Due to complex metabolic fluctuations, thyroid patients need to regularly go for medical checkups and, should consult a qualified physician before trying any dietary or exercise programme.

You may also like to read: Walking Exercise For Weight Loss


weight loss exercises for thyroid patients

Regular low-impact exercises for a shorter duration are recommended for thyroid patients. It is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight and improve overall health.
Walking, Yoga, and Tai Chi
These exercises can be done by anyone, whether they have a medical condition or not. Going for a walk in the morning or evening is a good exercise. But I would also advise creating a goal, talking to your doctor, working with a qualified coach, and keeping a weight loss journal. There are many variations of Yoga that you can easily do. Although, Tai Chi may appear a unique method of weight loss, but the goal is to create a balanced breathing pattern and train your mind to think about positive things.

You may also like to read: Chair Yoga Exercises And Simple Health Tips To Reduce Bloating

Bodyweight exercises
Bodyweight exercises like pushups and squats are wonderful ways to understand your body’s strengths and weaknesses. The reason I like bodyweight exercises is because they focus on balance as well as strength simultaneously.

Rowing, Water Aerobics, and Pilates
Sports and fitness is a good combination to take care of your health while enjoying your favourite physical activity. Exercises like rowing, water aerobics, biking, and pilates are fun to try. Every exercise should be done in moderation. You can use light-weight dumbbells and resistance bands to reach your weight-loss goals. Biking at a slow pace will keep you active and energised throughout the day.

Final Thoughts
Weight loss for thyroid patients is complex but not impossible. Setting goals and journaling your food habits and exercises will help you understand your body better. Consultation with your medical practitioner and guidance from an qualified coach will help you maintain a healthy weight for a long and happy life.

You can connect with me on Twitter or Goodreads.

Thyroid and Weight; American Thyroid Association.

Top 10 Exercises for thyroid patients to lose weight

Thyroid Disease

20 thoughts on “Best Weight Loss Exercises For Thyroid Patients

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  1. 1. Early signs of thyroid disorder include anxiety, sleeplessness, rapid weight fluctuations, fatigue, and more.
    2. Managing weight as a thyroid patient can be challenging due to metabolism issues caused by the thyroid disorder.
    3. Regular low-impact exercises such as walking, yoga, and tai chi are recommended for weight loss and overall health improvement for thyroid patients.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for this great article, it was really helpful. I have Hashimoto’s paired with PCOS so weight loss has become very difficult. There is so much contradictory information out there that I just recently realized what you recommend us: low-impact and even shorter sessions with greater frequency throughout the day. Strength training helped me a lot in the past too, it’s something I need to get back into my routine. Thank you for all these great reminders, I will recommend and share your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad that you found this post helpful.
      Pandemic lockdown came with many restrictions that required people to modify gym exercises. It also taught us the importance of low impact exercises that can easily be done at home. Since then I have become a fan of low impact home workouts. The best part is even if you do basic exercises regularly like wall sit exercise, planks, or leg lifts while sitting on a couch or a chair, it’s a great workout.
      Thanks again for sharing this post, Vanessa. 😊


  3. My partner has to have regular thyroid checks because of this, as they inherited a thyroid problem from their mum. It’s good to know there are potentially exercises that can that can work with the condition to help maintain a healthy body

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s always ways for healing. I have seen my mother and friends who sometimes get frustrated because of lifelong dependency on thyroid medicines. But everyone should try to stay fit by including low impact exercises regularly. Thanks for reading and liking this post. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you found this post helpful, Molly. Cancer is a deadly disease and having thyroid as well, it must be very difficult for your husband and for you. I will definitely remember your family in my daily prayers for complete healing and strength. Take care.


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