Push-Ups For Women: Do’s And Don’ts

pushups for women

“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.”

Push-ups are the most basic strength workout that everyone has tried at least once in their life. It’s another thing that going beyond 5 or 10 is definitely a challenge, especially if you are a woman.

Agreed men are naturally physically stronger than women but there isn’t something that a woman can achieve if she decides to conquer it.

There are many myths that women often listen to which stop them from doing push-ups like their arms will become bulky like men. Let’s remove the comparison and just focus on the strength part because women are naturally resilient. Strength does not have a gender, it’s all about the mindset.

Gym coaches and athletes who have gone through rigorous training know that exercise is all about disciplining the mind first and that result shows in the body. Then why stop yourself from doing something that will help you as a human being?

This article is a comprehensive guide to exploring the reasons women should be doing push-ups regularly and the do’s and don’ts of doing it properly.

Benefits of pushups for women
Push-ups do’s and don’ts
5 push-up variations

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician or a coach before trying any new exercise, diet or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post.

Benefits of Pushups for Women

Strength is often viewed from a male perspective of bulky arms and muscles. However, you only gain muscle if you keep on adding more weights to lift. Pushups are, therefore, perfect for women because you are using your own body to lift yourselves.

Considering the age factor, as women age, not just our stamina but also muscle mass starts receding. The adverse impact is also on our weight which is harder to lose.

In a research conducted and published in Pubmed about the effects of aerobic and resistance training on body and fat mass, it was discovered that

“If increasing muscle mass and strength is the goal, a program including RT or resistance training is required.”

Pushups are called strength and resistance exercises because you are resisting your body to push and then pull while balancing and using core muscles.

“According to the research on how many calories the push-ups burn, if you do the push-up exercise for 5 minutes at a moderate pace, on average, you can burn about 28 calories. . If you increase the speed to the point of heart pounding, it can add up to 48 calories.”

The researchers also mentioned that push ups are great for stamina and strength. However, if you want to burn maximum calories then doing cardio along with strength training is required.

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Push-Ups Do’s And Don’ts

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Here are some helpful tips that will help you burn calories and tone your arms without bulky muscles.

Always warm up before doing push-ups. Just 30 jumping jacks is enough to warm up and activate your body, especially the core. You can also do speed walking which helps in keeping your core engaged while doing Pushups.

Always stretch after doing push-ups otherwise you will feel stiff in your arms the whole day. Do not confuse strength with stiffness.

Since pushups use bodyweight, do not use any extra weights until you have perfected the form. Consult an experienced coach to understand how to engage core muscles while doing push-ups.

At the beginning, it’s natural to not be able to hold your weight when doing push-ups. It seems harder now but as you continue regularly, you will understand the importance of palm placement on the floor.

It’s okay to go slow and start with just two or five push-ups. Never rush through any bodyweight workout. Allow yourself to feel the resistance.

Having nutritious food is better than any magic pill that assures instant weight loss. Throughout the day keep yourself hydrated.

It is highly advised to do a combination of cardio and strength training on alternate days.

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5 Push-Up Variations

Before starting pushups it’s important to understand how well your body manages your weight when closer to the ground. Understanding proper form, balance, engaging core muscles, not drooping your lower back, focus are few things that are necessary to avail the complete benefits of pushups.

pushups for women

For these reasons, I have mentioned below 5 preparatory exercises that are best for beginners.
Correct form: From head to toe your body should be in one straight line. Your wrist and arms should be under your shoulders.
Duration: 10-30 seconds

Bear Crawls
Correct form: In a table top position move like a four-legged bear, keeping your knees apart and above ground. Don’t forget to engage your core and balance properly.
Duration: 10 forward crawls

Knee Pushups
Correct form: Place a towel or a cushion below your knees for comfort. Keep your core engaged which will keep your back and neck in one straight line. Hold your arms in the same line as your shoulders. Go down as much as you can without pushing too low.
Duration: 5-10 push-ups.

Wall or desk push ups
Correct form: As usual keep your back and knee straight from head to toe with your core engaged.
Duration: 5-10 push-ups.

Lay down pushups
Correct form: Keeping your form straight from head to toe in one line, go as much lower to the ground and then lay down on the yoga mat. Bend your knee to come to the starting position. Start again.
Duration: 5-10 pushups.

I hope these do’s and don’ts help you understand the importance of doing push-ups regularly and keep you fit for a long time.


Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults.
Leslie H. Willis,corresponding author 1 Cris A. Slentz 1 Lori A. Bateman,1 A. Tamlyn Shields,5 Lucy W. Piner,1 Connie W. Bales,3,4 Joseph A. Houmard,5 and William E. Kraus 2.


How many calories do push-ups reduce and do you lose weight or lose fat?


18 thoughts on “Push-Ups For Women: Do’s And Don’ts

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    1. Molly, you can always start doing Pushups against the wall because they are the easiest to do for women. Also, wall Pushups are a great way to check your correct form. All the best 👍


    1. Absolutely, pushups are a great exercise but we should always do other exercises as well that suit our lifestyle.
      Apologies for the late reply, I hope you are doing well, Pooja. I have a lot of catching up to do but I am swamped in work.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Times and abilities definitely make a lot of difference. I think wall push-ups are pretty cool but a 20 minutes walk is also great according to age.
      When life and earth doesn’t stop moving then why should we?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Your posts are so well written
    I sometimes get jealous with your high quality content 😂

    The thing is I’ve seen very few women doing push-ups
    And trainers at my gym don’t educate or stress the need of pushups in women.
    And when there’s lack of knowledge among women. They think that it could affect their chest part.
    However, push-ups are a great exercise for young girls in their growing years.

    Then for women in general ( as mentioned by you) it can strengthen the upper body, shoulders, etc.

    Even an incline pushups, wall pushups provides great benefits.

    Again, a well written and super informative post RJ. 👏🏻👏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, DU for your encouraging words.
      As a dancer and a fitness enthusiast, I love doing Pushups because it helps me perform different dance tricks easily.
      It improves your overall balance along with strengthening your muscles. A simple push-up keeps your core tight as well. Just 10 pushups whenever you find time or a plank exercise is so helpful.
      In my Jazz dance training boys and girls did stretches for flexibility but also push-ups.💪💃

      Liked by 1 person

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