Famous Authors And Their Exercise Routine 

Famous authors follow a disciplined writing routine. To keep their body and mind active, some authors like to exercise, like swimming, running, yoga, etc. Find out more about it in this article. 

Sitting for long hours, writing on paper or online, day and night, is considered every writer’s lifestyle. Once inspiration strikes, it’s impossible to stop or take a rest. While writing is a passionate, creative activity, many famous authors like to stick to a routine to stay consistent, fight writer’s block, and choose the time of day when their mind is most active. 

Some authors keep their minds active by exercising regularly. They are aware of the mind-body connection. 

“In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. Resistance training, balance and muscle toning exercises did not have the same results.”

Even if you like taking a walk or a light aerobic activity, it changes the environment and mood, thus boosting creativity.

Getting inspired by your favourite author’s writing style is good. Even better is getting inspired to stay fit just like some authors. Keep reading to find out how some authors balance writing and exercise routines. 

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician or a coach before trying any new exercise, diet or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post.  

• Benefits of exercise for writers
• Inspiring exercise routine of famous authors
• How to balance exercise and writing time


Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav on Pexels.com

A sedentary activity like writing needs a lot of focus. While the pen is always mightier than the sword, physical activity is a great stress-buster. You may not feel like stopping when the words are eager to jump out of your brain, but if you don’t take a break, you may suffer burnout.

That’s why most writers like to follow a daily routine when trying to complete a novel. Exercise helps to keep the body and mind active and creative. 

Here are some of the benefits of exercise for writers.

– Exercise pumps blood circulation which is good for physical health as well as improved brain activity.
– Exercise improves mood and helps combat stress and anxiety.
– Exercise brings a change in the surroundings that diverts your mind and brings new ideas.
– Exercising outdoors is a great way to find inspiration by observing everyday activities.
– Exercise has been proved to improve memory by stimulating the hippocampus area of the brain.
– Exercise not only gives some rest to your brain but also relaxes your eyes ( by moving away from the mobile and laptop) and fingers ( from continuous writing or typing ).
– Stretching exercises help regain mobility and maintain good posture.


“When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at four a.m. and work for five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for ten kilometres or swim for fifteen hundred meters (or do both), and then I read a bit and listen to some music. I go to bed at nine p.m.
I keep to this routine every day without variation. The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind.”

Haruki Murakami, Japanese novelist, short story writer, essayist, and translator.
Notable Works – Norwegian Wood (1987), The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1994-95), Kafka on the Shore (2002), 1Q84 (2010), Men Without Women (2014).

“Running! If there’s any activity happier, more exhilarating, or more nourishing to the imagination, I can’t think what it might be. In running the mind flies with the body; the mysterious efflorescence of language seems to pulse in the brain, in rhythm with our feet and the swinging of our arms. Ideally, the runner who’s a writer is running through the land- and cityscapes of her fiction, like a ghost in a real setting.
There must be some analogue between running and dreaming. The dreaming mind is usually bodiless, has peculiar powers of locomotion and, in my experience at least, often runs or glides or ”flies” along the ground or in the air.”

Joyce Carol Oats, American writer, novelist, short story writer, playwright, poet, literary critic, professor, and editor. 
Notable works – A Garden of Earthly Delights (1967), Them (1969), The Wheel of Love (1970), Wonderland (1971), High Lonesome: New & Selected Stories (2006).

“Promptly at 2:00, Dickens left his desk for a vigorous three-hour walk through the countryside or the streets of London, continuing to think of his story and, as he described it, “searching for some pictures I wanted to build upon.” Returning home, his brother-in-law remembered, “he looked the personification of energy, which seemed to ooze from every pore as from some hidden reservoir.”

Charles Dickens, English writer.
Notable works – Oliver Twist (1838), A Christmas Carol (1843), David Copperfield (1850), A Tale of Two Cities (1859), and Great Expectations (1861). 

“I took up yoga six years ago. Shortly before Penguin published my book, I prepped for the 17-city, 3-country book tour by doing a 2-week daily yoga challenge. It literally changed my life. The carpal tunnel I’d suffered for years eased up. My posture finally improved. If I hit a wall while drafting a scene in the novel, I would take a yoga class and leave the plot knot alone for an hour. By the end of class, an answer to that plot predicament would present itself and I could go on writing. Regular yoga practice provided me with the focus and perseverance I needed to finish the novel. It became such a vital part of my life that I wove it into a scene in the novel and thanked all my teachers in the Acknowledgements section. I’m more fit and flexible now than I was at 18! I recently celebrated World Yoga Day and raised funds for UNICEF’s.”

Marivi Soliven, Filipino author, Tagalog interpreter, and essayist. 
Notable works – The Mango Bride (2013).

“Presently two activities keep me busy – both involving my animals. I walk my darling little rat terrier through the woods for an hour every morning. It’s a good workout for both of us. I used to own horses and ride every day, but I’m down to riding a friend’s horse two times a week these days. Romeo is a gem and we understand each other very well. I don’t just plop along on a trail ride, we do dressage in the ring and man, that is a workout. But my hours in the saddle are the absolute highlight of my week – even though I go home and take a nap when I’m finished!” 

Joan Wolf, an American writer of romance novels.
Notable works Wolf has published over 47 novels in many different genres and time periods, from prehistoric to regency to contemporary. 

“I try to do nine touchdowns a day, that is, I stand on my head in the bathroom, on a slipper, and touch the floor nine times with my toe tips, while balanced. This is incidentally more than yoga, it’s an athletic feat, I mean imagine calling me ‘unbalanced’ after that.”

Jack Kerouac, an American novelist and poet. 
Notable works – On the Road (1957), the Dharma Bums (1958), Big Sur (1962), and Desolation Angels (1965). 

“I started doing aerobics and I wanted to be good enough to become an instructor, so I became an instructor. Doing exercise and being in touch with my body is something that I really value. It really makes me happy to do that; to be a person who is physical. It’s exactly the same kind of discipline that you need to write a book.”

Arundhati Roy, Indian author, essayist, and activist.
Notable works – The God of Small Things (1992).


Just like any other task, exercising may seem like an added burden in an already busy lifestyle. But finding time to write, taking rest, and exercise is all about discipline. No one formula fits everyone. What works for one person may or may not work for you. Starting slow, prioritising, and readjusting your schedule when necessary will help. Work is as important as taking a break. Not everyone can exercise daily, but maybe taking time out on weekends will refresh your body and mind. Eat healthy and stay hydrated to keep those creative juices flowing. Water is the ultimate fuel for the body. 

I hope the famous author’s exercise routines will inspire you to start exercising and staying fit. 

You can connect with me on Twitter or Goodreads.


15 Bestselling Authors On Why Writers Need To Exercise 


5 Authors Who Make Time for Exercise, by Susie Felber, JULY 6, 2015.


Irritable vowel syndrome. The secret life of ‘exer-writers’. Updated – March 22, 2019. BY PALASH KRISHNA MEHROTRA


22 thoughts on “Famous Authors And Their Exercise Routine 

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    1. Thanks Jenny for reading and liking this post. I love reading all your posts and you work really hard on collaborations and promotions. You are a very inspiring blogger. A 15 min of daily low impact exercise takes care of mobility, posture, and overall health. Take care.


    1. Thank you for your continuous support, Fransic. This June I am really planning to focus on core exercises. I have also joined the Facebook Livestrong challenge group and started doing the 30 days abs challenge.


    1. Thank you so much, Molly, for reading and liking this post. It is indeed interesting how these authors take time out to stay fit mentally and physically.


    1. I am glad you liked this post. Who would have thought that famous authors like to exercise so much? But they do. They inspire people from their writing as well as their fitness routine.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a wonder woman Cindy. One small article is not enough to describe your accomplishments. Just by being yourself, you bring a smile to many people’s lives. 🌻🦸

      Liked by 1 person

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