How To Improve Ventilation In A Dance Studio

Post pandemic, hygiene and maintaining good air quality has become necessary. It is the responsibility of every dance studio owner to provide a healthy environment to dance students.

As a freelance dance teacher, I have taught at different dance studios. The colourful banner at the gate and inspiring dance posters inside the studio are very impressive. Until the number of students starts increasing and the dancing and sweating get intense. The dance studio suddenly seems stuffy and uncomfortable because of the average importance given to ventilation. 

Ventilation is often taken for granted in gyms, dance studios, and sports facilities. The main reason is limited financial resources. The pressure on the studio manager is to prioritize other things like floor cleanliness, water purifiers, changing rooms, etc.

There are 3 main reasons for having adequate ventilation in dance studios. Ventilation improves the effect of heating and cooling. It proves to be cost effective for a long time. It is much better compared to any indoor air temperature control.

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In this post, I highlight the importance of good ventilation in dance studios, which can directly impact the health of dance students. 

Use windows correctly to regulate proper air circulation

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

My first dance class was in a studio on the fourth floor of a commercial building with large windows overlooking other buildings and a park across the road. And then the metro construction started; footpaths had to be dug up and rebuilt, and dust from construction material started coming into our dance studio. We had to close the windows and switch on the air conditioning even in pleasant weather.

In a city or on a busy street, maintaining a clean and well-ventilated dance studio is a challenge. The regular classes and growing number of students mean good business for any dance studio. It also increases the responsibility of providing a comfortable and healthy breathing environment. 

Ignoring proper ventilation in a dance studio is as disastrous as climate change. It is the air that we breathe that keeps us alive. Polluted air on the outside affects dancers as much as the congested atmosphere inside the dance studio. Windows helps with continuous air circulation in a sweaty dance class. It also helps the body temperature of dancers to cool as sweating increases. 

Unfortunately, one cannot regulate the outdoor temperature and weather to keep the windows open at all times. Spending a long time in an air-conditioned room is also considered unhealthy, especially, for a space of physical activity.

A big or small window is necessary, even more so for a dance studio that’s in the basement. The windows should be opened and closed according to requirements.

Ideally, the windows in a dance studio should be placed a bit higher than the average person’s height. It will allow natural sunlight into the studio without distracting the students. 

Maintain a balanced temperature in your dance studio

Photo by Michael Zittel from Pexels

The temperature and ventilation are connected to each other in maintaining good health. Dancers perform their best when their body temperature is not too hot neither too cold. An appropriate body temperature is important to avoid injuries caused by stiff muscles and nerves. Experienced dancers always warm up their bodies properly before the class or stage performance. The more agile the bodies, the better the dance. 

When the body is active more often, it helps with mobility. A warm body responds easily to stretches and helps maintain flexibility. I experienced how my body changed when I became a freelance dance professional. With the dance company, I had the opportunity to perform frequently and attend rehearsals for long hours. My body and mind were active for more than 9 hours. After becoming a freelancer, my hours of training became less, and it became difficult for me to maintain the same strength as earlier. Temperature control in the dance studio helps dancers perform difficult technical moves easily.

Also, staying hydrated between rehearsals and dance class completes the body’s oxygen requirement. Water helps restore stamina and regulates body temperature. 

Another easier way to maintain the body temperature is to wear layers of clothes. It is most helpful during the winter season. The cold weather and a cold floor are a recipe for disaster for any dancer. Wear layers of clothing during warmup. Let the body heat increase naturally. While dancing and sweating, take off an extra layer of clothing. The body will instantly absorb the cool air in the room, which will bring the temperature back to normal.

Regular maintenance of air conditioners and heaters

I don’t know how dance classes were conducted before the invention of air conditioners, heaters, and air purifiers. Thanks to advanced technology and electricity, no room is livable without an air conditioner. Besides the temperature control option, split air conditioners regulate the airflow well in a dance studio with a large number of students.

It is important for the dance studios that have opened after the pandemic to follow COVID-19 safety protocols as directed by the government. Ventilation and temperature checks have become the top priorities.

Investing in a good ventilation system in the dance studio maintains indoor air quality. This reduces the probability of health problems due to stale air

Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels

It is never too late to focus on the hygiene of the dance studio to help students and teachers stay safe now and in the future. Apart from sanitising every space and piece of equipment in a dance studio, it is also vital to clean air conditioners and heaters. It is something that we may have neglected before the pandemic. This is also the best time to invest in a good air purifier.

There is also a green trend of keeping plants that act as natural air filters. These plants adapt easily to indoor environments with less water and sunshine needed. They can be kept near the entrance or the reception area of the dance studio.

Breathe in and breathe out safely

There is a lot to learn from this pandemic that is changing the way we live and breathe. Pollution in the air is no longer only a question of global climate change or shutting down factories that spread harmful chemicals. The initiative has to start at home and expand to the dance studios and every living space. The good thing is that all the safety measures are simple to apply. During emergencies like COVID, we have to learn to be patient and cautious. This is the only way to move forward as an informed citizen. Very soon, this pandemic will be a part of history. Till then, we need to fight negative thoughts, calm our minds, and breathe easily.


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