Cherish The Moments Of Motivation

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”

Life has a way of coming full circle, even when it seems like it is moving in a straight line ahead. There are many people who we meet on our life’s journey. Some people are nice, and others are mean.

The important thing is to keep moving forward. Because change is constant and we keep evolving through the ups and downs of life. 

We may get overwhelmed by the negativity in the world. However, there are also moments of random acts of kindness that warm our hearts and make us more empathetic and humble.

Encourage someone new and nervous in your class, office, or neighbourhood

Photo by cottonbro on

I was late that day for the dance class because I was nervous and excited about my first dance class. When I reached the dance class, the students had already finished the warm-up and were now stretching their limbs. The dance teacher gave me a look and a polite nod to join the class quickly. I hurriedly threw my bag into one corner and instantly went into a side lunge position with other students. 

I didn’t know what I was doing at all. When suddenly, as I shifted from right to left leg and stretched my right leg to a side stretch, a hand gently touched my knee. I was a bit taken aback because I was totally focused on my dance teacher in front of the class. This was a tall guy, wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt, black jazz pants, and jazz shoes, with a nice smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He definitely looked like another dance instructor. He bent down, touched my right knee again, and gently pushed my knee slightly backwards, and I instantly felt the stretch behind my knee. He looked at me and said, “That’s the correct way, okay.” I said, “Okay.” I was still not sure if I should address him as sir or not.

I later realised that he was the main instructor of the class, and the other beautiful woman taking the class was his assistant.

Why do I remember this incident? because this was my first dance class. This was my introduction to the man who has mentored many students over the years, including me. And he is the best example of a friend, mentor, leader, and teacher, all bundled into one. He was only doing his job as a teacher, but for me, a newbie who was super nervous that day, a small act of random kindness made me feel at ease. I know it’s not much of an inspiration, but this small moment made a big difference in helping me understand the role of a teacher.

A genuine compliment or appreciation can inspire someone who is unsure of their abilities.

I was in the company class rehearsals, practising my moves with everyone in the group. I was standing right behind a girl who was leading the group. It was late afternoon. We could see through the glass doors that a few dancers and students were waiting outside for the class to get over. All of us dancers in the rehearsal room were exhausted but were still trying to give our best. Our bodies had started glistening with sweat even though the air conditioner was working well. After many aching sessions of ‘one more time, people’, the rehearsals finally got over. As I came out with my dance bag, drinking water, and hand towel over my shoulders, many dancers went inside the room and started their warm up.

I made my way through the crowd of sweaty dancers and went towards a window to get some fresh air into my lungs. My colleagues still had some energy left to talk and discuss the evening dance classes. As I took another sip of water to begin another exhausting day, one of the senior dancers came to me and said, “You were really good in the rehearsals.” You are unique, and your technique is very precise. Keep up the good work. ” I was surprised and just blurted out a “thank you” to her. He left and I was still bewildered because it was a huge group of dancers and I am a tiny person. Also, it was just another rehearsal.

Yes, I am going back in time because at the present phase of my life, I need to remind myself that it is okay to have minor bumps in the road. And I need to keep believing in myself. When situations change drastically, it becomes difficult to escape and find your way back into life. Sometimes we feel worthless and totally exhausted by the continuous struggle thrown our way. The unknown path can be risky and confusing. But remind yourself that despite weaknesses hovering over you like dementors, with few strengths, we are okay as long as we keep moving.

Always remember to give an honest compliment to someone for their efforts. They may or may not be your friend or a relative. Or they may not be working in the same official department as you. Maybe it will heal you and change something in you too.

A child can sometimes remind you of the joys of learning.

Photo by Budgeron Bach on

It rained outside that day, and many students were absent from the class. I was teaching a kids’ ballet class. It’s always challenging but also fun to keep the attention of toddlers in a ballet class. As I was checking each student’s arm positions, a sweet little girl was trying to figure out the fifth position of ballet arms. I approached her and asked her to look in the mirror again, try to match it with others, and correct herself. She checked again and almost corrected herself. I said, “Good, that was amazing.” Just a little bit of elbow to this side and it’s perfect. ” She looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. The little girl reminded me of my first dance class. I saw the same twinkle in her eyes as I saw in my mentor’s when he was correcting me.

Isn’t it surprising how life comes full circle without you realising how far you have come? Perhaps it’s not the distance because we don’t know how much further our lives will take us. The past may be gone, but its reflection might be seen in the future.

The few moments of motivation are important to cherish. You don’t know who you might be inspiring by focusing on your work. The sunset will be over soon and bring a new day. It depends on how we perceive a situation, whether as a roadblock or an opportunity. But we need to keep reminding ourselves of our strengths and keep moving. Because if life goes on despite everything, then why should we stop ourselves from taking the next big step?

4 thoughts on “Cherish The Moments Of Motivation

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  1. I love the first quote, because it reminds me what I need to do to get others to do as well. It’s not just about asking people to do things. It’s about leading by example, a method that not many people are doing anymore these days. Thanks for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally agree with you, Stuart. It’s rare to find people who lead by example. Thanks for reading and liking this post. 🙂


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