Do We Still Have To Watch A Fairy Tale Ballet Story?

A fairy tale is a story where a beautiful girl is rescued by a handsome prince, and they live happily ever after. There is an element of fantasy, magic, and transformation that makes a fairy tale interesting.

We have all grown up listening to such bedtime stories. We all want a fulfilling life where all our personal and professional dreams come true.

However, the world has moved so far away from the valour of kings and the luxuries enjoyed by queens. The definition of an eligible bachelor and attractive woman has changed drastically. Women have picked up swords to save themselves. Men prefer smart, well-educated women as partners.
Professions are not related to gender. Money is in the form of a card or online.

Now, it seems that women never needed anybody to rescue them. In fact, there is so much more to life than waiting for a prince. Everyone has their own definition of success and happiness. And even storytellers experiment with the endings of their stories.

So why do we watch a fairy tale ballet at this advanced age?

Ballets inspired by fairy tales

Swan Lake, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty are the most famous ballets inspired by fairy tales. These are classic stories. Everyone is familiar with the plot. It’s the extravaganza of watching live theatre and the dazzling costumes and stage sets that attract the audience. Fairy tales are like an escape route from a complicated, mature world to a dream land.

I also loved watching ballets during my childhood. I loved reading fairy tales. But then, very soon, my attention was diverted towards playing with Barbie.

Besides the plot of the fairy tale, the visual presentation of watching a live ballet performance also makes a big impression on children. Theatre is a great way to encourage children to participate in the arts, music, and dance. The spectrum of colours is as varied as the supernatural powers of the characters. These things develop the imagination of children.

Nowadays, children like to watch everything on a laptop or mobile. Their fantasy lives are in video games. And even if some of the children love to watch fairy tales, it’s only for a short time. In a few years, they grow up so fast that you can only remember their childhood from school camping photographs.

Do fairy tales tell a story of fighting and hope?

Every story has a theme. In a fairy tale, the characters face a crisis or a challenge. They can be rich or poor. They can be happy or sad. But they are definitely searching for a purpose in life. The characters find their love in the most difficult situation. The story ends with lovers finding the purpose of life in their life partner.

While fighting society for their lover or slaying a witch, fairy tales indirectly encourage us to cross hurdles.
This is great for children to understand that whenever there is a problem, there is also a way to overcome it.

Children nowadays are smarter than ever before. They are keen observers and love to imitate the actions of their parents. They are encouraged to learn, play, and make friends. They also learn a lot from school.

In the world of Harry Potter and A Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the struggles and wins of school days are aptly presented. This is a subject that children can easily relate to. There are good and bad people. There are friends and enemies. There are mentors who support us, like a gym coach. Or some mean kids who are bullies.

The plot of a story can be set in a castle or a playground, but the fight and the moral of the story are necessary.
Perhaps to some extent, AI has replaced Aladdin’s Genie. We don’t believe in astrologers when we have astronomers. We are not afraid to take risks and become entrepreneurs. We are planning to colonise Mars. Will we still be watching a fairy tale ballet there?

Fairy tales with forests and lakes are impossible in today’s world.

The forest is a recurring location in fairy tales. Dark things happen in the jungle. Wild animals can hurt you; thieves will steal your belongings; a fairy might turn out to be an evil witch; or a beautiful lotus flower in a pond can be a trap to drown you.

Now, we have to search for a lake that has a swan on Google. A forest has plastic and other garbage left over by tourists. And a nutcracker seems like a name tag to make fun of a child in school.
But if ever there was a movie made where the fairy world was fighting with the vampires, I would definitely watch it.

I don’t believe in the fantasy that some day a handsome prince will come on a horse to rescue me. But I would definitely want to ride a dragon someday.

I don’t have any magical powers to fight with. I only have perseverance and hope to fulfil all my dreams no matter what.

I am not waiting for a fairy godmother to transform me. I believe that taking care of your physical and mental health is in your hands.

I don’t want to live in a castle by marrying a prince. I will buy a goddam big house and a Ferrari for myself and my family.

Final Thoughts
The attraction towards the supernatural and fantasy will live as long as we have vivid dreams. They are the products of great creative thinkers. They are far from reality, and sometimes you wish they were true. Watching a fairy tale in a theatre is a completely different experience. And every parent should encourage their children to take a break from the online world.

What do you think about fairy tales? What do your kids like to watch? Do you like to watch or read fantasy movies or books?

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