10 Best Lying Leg Lift Exercises For Strength And Flexibility

Flexibility and strength are the two things you will achieve by doing leg lifts every day. A perfectly sculpted leg boosts confidence. Whether you are a man or a woman, or if you exercise every day or weekly, leg lift exercises should be included in your workout routine. 

There are many variations of leg lift exercises. You can do them standing, sitting, or lying down as well. What’s great about lying down leg lifts is that your upper body helps to keep stability while exercising. Leg lifts tone the upper and inner thighs. It also makes the ankles, knees, and glutes stronger. The strength of the hamstring is very important for all athletes as it supports the entire leg to function correctly for a long time. You also work on your flexibility and mobility when you do leg lift exercises regularly.

Here are the 10 best lying leg lift exercises for toned legs. These exercises are for the intermediate level and should be done after a proper warmup. You can do a quick 5 minutes of jogging or jumping jacks. 

Consult your doctor or a coach before doing any of these exercises. Do not attempt these exercises if you have a lower back or knee injury. 

Repeat each exercise 10 times at your own pace. Keep your core engaged at all times, balance your breathing, and take a rest of 60 seconds between each exercise. Stop if you feel any leg cramps or slight pain in the lower back. 

1) Knee Tucks

Lie on your back. Lift your upper torso with the support of your arms. Keep both your legs together. Pull your knees to your chest and then straighten your legs. This is a great exercise for our core muscles. 

2) Straight Leg Lifts 

Lie on your back. You can keep your arms behind your head. Or you can also keep your arms by your side or tucked under your lower back. Keeping both your legs together, lift them towards the ceiling. And then bring the legs back to the floor. If lifting both your legs together is difficult, then you can also lift your legs alternately. 

3) Side Lying Leg Lifts  

Lie on one side. Check your side alignment, keeping your core engaged and your legs together. One leg should be resting on top of the other. You can keep your hands on your hips or you can also keep your hands on the floor for support. Lift the upper leg towards the ceiling as much as you can and then lower it to its starting position. Repeat on the other side. 

4) Scissor Kicks 

Lie down on the floor. Keep your hands underneath your buttocks to support your lower back. Raise both your legs a little bit higher. Cross your legs one over the other like a scissor. Choose a pace that is comfortable for you. 

5) Leg Circles 

Lie down on the floor or the mat. Keep your arms by your side. Gently lift both your legs in the air and make a circle in the air clockwise and then anti-clockwise. You can also do this exercise one leg at a time—10 leg circles with each leg. 

6) Clam Shell Exercise

This is a wonderful exercise for the inner thighs. Some people also do this exercise with a resistance band to increase the tension and get maximum results. Lie down on one side. You can keep your arms under your ears, supporting your head properly. Keep your core engaged and check your side alignment. Bend your knees slightly. Lift the knee that is resting on top of your leg while keeping your feet together. Bring it back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. 

7) Lying Down Side Leg Taps

Lie down on one side, comfortably supported by your elbows. Place your other hand on the floor to hold the side alignment correctly. Keep the lower leg slightly bent and the top leg straight. Lift your upper leg straight in front of you and tap gently on the floor. Bring it back and tap on the floor again. Repeat 10 times. Repeat exercises on the other side. 

8) Center Split Side Stretch Leg 

Sit on the floor, keeping both your legs straight. Extend your legs to the side as far as you are comfortable. Try to keep your back straight. Lift both your arms to the side. Hold the thumb of your right leg with your right hand and stretch your left arm towards the right. Now do the same exercise on the left side of the leg. Keep changing alternately. Remember, this is not a static exercise. So, keep changing sides alternately.

9)Straight Leg Over-The-Head 

Lie down on the floor with your arms by your side. Keeping both your legs together, lift them towards the ceiling and take them over your head without using your arms. Try to tap the floor with your feet, but don’t force it. Bring both your legs up again and gently lower your legs to the starting position.

10) Plank Alternating Arms and Legs

Come in your basic plank position. Lift your right leg first, then reach out with your left arm. Come back to the starting plank position. Now lift your left leg and right arm forward, reaching out. Come back to the starting plank position. Repeat 10 times.

The leg lift exercises are great to sculpt your legs and strengthen your core muscles. These exercises should always be done after a proper warm-up. Don’t forget to do passive stretches after finishing your workout.  

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