Heart Health Benefits Of Hugging

Discover the scientific reasons for hugging, which has physical and mental benefits. Hugging is good for singles, couples, family, and friends.

If there is one thing that we have learned from the pandemic lockdown, it is that humans cannot survive without a community. We love our independence, and we don’t want to be distracted when we are working towards our goals. But we cannot deny the fact that we all need companionship. It can be in the form of best friends, love for your pets, or spending quality time with your family and friends. The binding factor is interpersonal relationships that improve due to the simplest medicine available: hugs.

I recently went to a festival that had food, dance, music, games, a fashion show, ethnic stores, etc. It was organised every year in February, but due to covid reasons, the festival was cancelled. Meeting my friends and family at this festival made me realise the importance of community. I missed my cousins, with whom I love sharing silly jokes.

Meeting and exchanging hugs with people who care about you has physical and mental health benefits. I confess that, being an introvert, I am not a big hugger, but there are certain people with whom you share positive vibes and don’t feel awkward hanging out together.

Maintaining health does not always mean indulging in intense and an hour long exercises. Something as simple as walking for a few minutes, having meaningful conversations, and sharing smiles and hugs work equally well for overall well-being.

Health benefits of hugging according to medical research
Non-medical reasons to like hugging
Hugging for singles and introverts without feeling awkward
Healthy drinks to boost heart health

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult an expert physician before trying any new exercise, diet, or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post.

You may also like to read: Activate Love Hormones: An Awesome Reason To Dance And Exercise

Health benefits of hugging according to medical research

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

There are many beautiful reasons to hug someone, but it has been scientifically researched that at least 20 seconds of hugging every day has a positive impact. According to medical research experts, hugs reduce inflammation and maintain balanced blood pressure. The emotional and psychological impact of hugging is so strong that it also helps fight against the common cold.

“In one study, inflammation was measured using saliva samples from 20 adults who were also asked to record the number of hugs they received over 14 days. Results showed that hugs were inversely related to inflammation. To put it simply, more hugs equal less inflammation.”

Cardiovascular health is directly related to an improvement in blood flow throughout the body. When we are stressed or spend most of our time sitting or lounging, our blood pressure fluctuates. Add sedentary lifestyle habits like overeating and smoking, and the heart and lungs get damaged. When you hug someone, it relaxes them and also reduces their blood pressure.

“In a study of 404 adults, the number of hugs over 14 days was found to reduce the effects of interpersonal conflict on the severity of the common cold infection; hugs worked as a stress buffer where the severity of infection is reduced when hugs are frequent.”

The love hormone called Oxytocin is released when hugging. It works like an instant pill to reduce stress by comforting your partner or friend.

Non-medical reasons to like hugging

Photo by Josh Willink on Pexels.com

There are many reasons to hug, but the most important reason is love. Love comes in many forms, like love for your pets, family, and friends. We are all looking for companionship. The best part about hugging is that when we exchange hugs with someone, it unconsciously also leads to a sweet smile. It is the result of being happy. Sharing happiness and peace is all we want right now in these troubled times. Some people also like to close their eyes when hugging someone, which has the automatic effect of making them feel safe and comforted.

The world may sometimes feel scary and depressing, but sharing hugs makes you feel special and accepted. You feel less lonely and more cared for.

Hugging for singles and introverts without feeling awkward

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

There are many ways singles and introverts can improve their Oxytocin levels.

For some singles and introverts, hugging can be a bit uncomfortable. However, real connection and happiness can also be felt by holding hands and sharing smiles.

In many countries, Valentine’s Day is not celebrated, but that does not mean that people don’t love each other. There are many ways to share love, which includes spending quality time with friends and family. 

Hug your pet. Adopting a pet dog helped one of my friends during lockdown. It is a love-filled therapy to spend time with your pets, who shower us with so much love.

Invest in a body pillow, and there are many available online. One of the effects of improved Oxytocin levels is to promote rest. Hugging a body pillow reduces stress and gives a restful sleep.

During lockdown, I did nothing but bake and watch stand-up comedy. I improved my baking skills and shared photographs of them with my family members on WhatsApp. The smell of baking is so delicious and gives me a lot of happiness. 

Spending time in nature is another mindful and healthy activity that improves physical and mental health. It can be done by travelling to a place with immense natural beauty or by hiking. Gardening is another activity that is a treat for our five senses and improves Oxytocin levels. 

Listening to your favourite music while taking a relaxing bath is a wonderful way to practise self-love or self-care. 

Healthy drinks to boost heart health

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Eating and drinking healthfully with a balanced diet is always a good idea. Though there is a variety of healthy food in different countries, there are a few delicious and healthy drinks that boost heart health. Fruits and vegetables that are red in colour are considered good for maintaining a balanced blood pressure. Pomegranate juice and tomato juice are drinks that are heart-healthy. They can be easily modified into a nice cocktail or mocktail. Coffee and tea, whether consumed hot or cold, are wonderful energy boosters. Another great option to try is green juice, which you can make by adding your favourite green vegetables. Healthy smoothies with different protein elements like protein powder, almond milk, dark chocolate, and seasonal fruits are always good for physical and heart health.


4 Significant Physical Benefits of Hugging, Posted May 19, 2022, Lisa van Raalte Ph.D.


Can You Kiss and Hug Your Way to Better Health? Research Says Yes.January 08, 2018.


6 Drinks to Boost Heart Health by Ashley Brantley.


5 thoughts on “Heart Health Benefits Of Hugging

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  1. Thanks so much for this post. It was great to learn about all the scientific and health benefits for hugging – and it just feels so good, too. Don’t have a willing partner? Hugging it out with pets works, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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