How To Manage Safety In And Around The Dance Studio

Like any other workplace, dance studios also have their management strategy for the health and safety of students.

Whether you are able to afford insurance for your dance studio or not, there is some basic security system that every dance manager should follow and apply.

A team of trustworthy colleagues, a good electric wiring system, coordination with parents, and many more things should be considered under the safety policies of a dance studio.

Post Contents

  • – Install CCTV cameras and save security phone numbers
  • – Professional and trustworthy staff
  • – Safety and hygiene – covid protocols
  • – Regular checking of all electrical wiring and fire alarms
  • – First-aid kit for students

Install CCTV cameras and save security phone numbers

It is quite common nowadays and necessary to put a CCTV camera outside every shop including a dance studio.

Generally, a colorful and fun-looking dance studio should also be a safe place to work and take classes.

Private studios with a minimum budget usually do not have a choice of a safe neighborhood or large ceilings and some of the tiny studios are in the basement with almost good ventilation.

There are also some dance teachers who collaborate with a gym and share a common space in a fixed schedule. 

CCTV cameras are the most important investment for any type of dance studio. It takes care of almost 70% of your stress.

It also makes the parents feel safe about sending their kids to the dance class. Teenagers and adults also see the dance studio as a legit place that’s taking responsibility for basic safety.

For the owners of the dance studio, it’s important that the CCTV cameras are functional. Keeping numbers of local police and fire department handy is another thing that should take priority in establishing safety rules.

No one wants any unforeseen incident to occur in and around the dance studio. As they say, precaution is better than anything. 

Professional and trustworthy staff

The owner of the dance studio, may or may not be a dancer or an artist, but it is important to keep a dance studio an artist’s place. It is more than just putting dance posters and inspiring dance quotes.

It’s about hiring a staff that is respectful of the dance place. Professionalism for an artist is about passion, growth, learning from observing, and at the same time allowing people to be comfortable by themselves. 

The receptionist of a dance studio should be friendly and able to connect with visitors of all ages. The receptionist works as a second camera for the complete staff as they are aware of the constant coming and going of everyone.

Ideally, they should also know when to provide additional information about the dance form and when to contact the dance teacher. From taking care of the registration fees to informing about any person waiting around the dance studio for a long time, should never be taken for granted. 

Dance teachers should be experienced and empathetic towards students of all ages. The secondary staff, consisting of a guard, cleaner, electricity and wiring staff, should be known to the dance teacher.

A dance studio seems like a party place, but it takes a minute to turn fun into a mess when we don’t respect each other’s boundaries. Students who come too early and leave too late from the dance studio should be politely advised about safety. 

Safety and hygiene – Covid protocols

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

Thanks to the pandemic, we have become more careful about the safety measures at the dance studio. The regular cleaning of the dance studio is not enough anymore.

Keeping a sanitizer within convenient reach of students at the entrance is necessary. Students and their parents should be informed and reminded to follow covid protocols of wearing masks to the dance studio.

Students should keep their bags separate from each other. Spreading awareness about the advantages of taking vaccination should also be a priority of every dance teacher and dance studio manager. 

The shoe racks and changing rooms should be cleaned and refreshed every day. The water filter system, air conditioning, and heaters should also be cleaned and sanitized.

We are forced to acknowledge that strictness about hygiene against air pollutants has to be taken care now. Our lungs and respiratory organs cannot defy the deadly virus until we take precautionary measures immediately. 

A good and dependable electrical wiring system is necessary for every dance studio. The speakers and music system, with a good wi-fi system, make it easier for the dance teacher to take the class online or offline.

Many wireless speakers are available in the tech market. But the electrical board, switches, and plugs should have a safe earthing of wires. Many small dance studios cannot afford a budget for a fire alarm system. But it means that the building manager is careless. 

First-aid kit for students

Dancing is fun, but accidents can happen in any place with an intense physical workout. A studio manager should keep the beginner students and kids’ parents informed about healthy habits.

A dance teacher should talk to students about the importance of investing in a good dance shoe, drinking water regularly, and healthy eating habits at home. Students should be encouraged to have healthy milkshakes, fresh juices, healthy fruits, and fresh vegetables.

Health and dancing are about keeping the mind and body fit. However, every student’s body is different and a studio manager should keep a first-aid kit of pain relievers, bandages, Dettol, or a medic lotion. Sometimes, even a dance teacher, who has been taking classes for a long time, may get hurt because of exhaustion. 


Keeping these basic safety rules in mind will help grow your business. Students and parents will consider your dance studio safe and the staff responsible. Safety measures of every kind should not be considered an expense but a necessary investment that will always help everyone dance safely and have fun at all times. 

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