Tips and Tricks To Reduce Jet Lag Symptoms 

Make your business or holiday travels much more enjoyable with these tips and tricks to reduce jet lag symptoms. 

Travelling by flight for millions of people has become easier and more comfortable. Frequent flyers like to travel in business class and others prefer to travel in the economy which is affordable. Besides food and drinks, there are other facilities provided for the comfort of passengers. A jet lag disorder is one common thing that affects people travelling on long-distance flights. 

The nauseous feeling that disrupts your sleep, mood, and digestion after a long flight is referred to as jet lag. The feeling of discomfort is due to the body’s inability to adjust to a new time zone immediately. The symptoms of jet lag are not severe but may last for 3 days to a week. 

Why does jet lag happen and does it affects everyone equally?
How do pilots cope with jet lag?
Can jet lag be avoided by prescribed medicines?

Find out about the causes, symptoms, and how to reduce jet lag the natural way in this post.

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician or a coach before trying any new exercise, diet or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post.  

• What causes jet lag?
• Jet lag symptoms
• Tips to prevent jet lag
• Relaxing methods for quick recovery from jet lag


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Our bodies naturally follow an internal clock pattern of waking up and sleeping at a specific time. This is called a circadian rhythm. The pattern is regulated by the brain and affects body temperature, digestion, and hormones. Living for an extended period in a fixed time zone helps create a habit and keeps us healthy. This pattern changes due to erratic sleeping and waking habits. Sunlight or even the light from a laptop or mobile when enters the eye sends the signal to the brain to stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin and therefore disrupts the circadian rhythm and deteriorates health. 

The same disruption happens when travelling from one time zone to another and causes jet lag. Your body may take time to adjust and make you either drowsy or nauseous. Flying frequently may or may not make the symptoms of jet lag any better. Everybody has a different impact of jet lag and some people don’t get affected by it at all. It isn’t really about good or bad health. 

“Medical experts generally agree that flying eastward may cause more severe jet lag symptoms than flying toward the west. Researchers say that’s because your body can adapt more quickly to staying up late than going to bed earlier than normal.” 


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While travelling by plane, your body moves faster than the changing time zones. This makes it harder to adapt to changes leading to jet lag symptoms. Sitting for a long time in a plane, lack of proper oxygen flow, warm cabin temperature, and low humidity causing dehydration can also impact your health while travelling from a plane. 

From the most obvious to severe, here are the jet lag symptoms you may experience: 

• Disturbed sleep patterns or insomnia
• Drowsy or nauseaus feeling
• Headaches
• Inability to focus
• Fatigue
• Indigestion
• Mood swings


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Have you ever thought about how pilots who opt for long-haul flights cope with jet lag? 

“Most airlines have fatigue risk management programs to help pilots cope with jet lag – and pilots are even allowed to call in ‘fatigued’ when they feel like they are too jet-lagged to carry out their jobs safely.”

If everyone has a different impact of jet lag that means a solution that works for one person may or may not work perfectly for another. A common list of things can be tried and it may take time to understand what works for you. Here are some tips and tricks to prevent jet lag that pilots and flight attendants are recommended that may also work for any traveller. 

The first thing to understand is that some people find it easier to adjust their internal body clock to a new time zone when travelling west compared to flying to the east. 

Check the time zone of your destination and likewise take power naps in between your days to avoid undue mental stress. 

Erin E Flynn-Evans, a member of Nasa’s fatigue countermeasures group says, that you are travelling from west to east, then start getting up an hour early and switch on bright lights about a week before your departure date. On the day of the flight, try to avoid direct sunlight by wearing sunglasses and once you arrive at your destination, sleep with curtains open allowing light into your room.   

If you are travelling from east to west, you need to stay up late for a few hours by exposing yourself to bright lights. 

“Long-haul pilot and flight safety specialist at Balpa (the British Airline Pilots Association) Stephen Landells recommends drinking plenty of water on the plane, eating lightly but at sensible times and trying to avoid caffeine or other stimulants.”

Try to have meals closer to your destination time zone to help your body adjust to change. 


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To reduce fatigue after sitting for a long time while travelling in a plane, you can do simple exercises like restorative yoga, meditation, walk in a park for about 30 minutes.

You may also like: Practice Active Relaxation With Restorative Yoga 

Another healthy way to cope with jet lag is to take a nap especially if you are feeling terrible fatigue, wake up and eat some seasonal fruits, and do some low-intensity workout like pilates. 

Taking medication should only be the last option and that too through a doctor’s prescription. 

Avoid trying new foods at your destination immediately. 

Final Thoughts

No one likes to fall sick while travelling and jet lag may disturb your health. The symptoms of jet lag remain for a few days. But with simple tips, you will recover faster from jet lag. Getting quality sleep and rest is important for your body and mind. After arriving at your destination, replace junk food, coffee, and alcohol, with fresh fruits and exercise for a few days. 


Jet Lag Disorder by Mayo Clinic Staff, Nov 19, 2022.

Jet Lag, Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/13/2021.

How airline pilots beat jet lag, By Katia Moskvitch, 15th March 2016.

12 thoughts on “Tips and Tricks To Reduce Jet Lag Symptoms 

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  1. I used to fly from Canada to Kenya every year and would get jet lagged. What helped me the most was adjusting my time even before I fly so that I’m already on the time zone of where I’m traveling to.

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