10 Myths About Working Out Too Much

myths about overtraining

Working out too much can be detrimental for the body, but recognizing and scheduling rest time can help you recover faster and grow stronger.

Working out is good for the body and the mind. And then there’s the problem of workout addiction which is not a myth or a trend. An addiction occurs when a habit takes precedence over all other aspects of one’s life. When you overwork your muscles, they do not get enough rest, and you are more likely to loose focus and get injured. The weary muscles gradually lead to poor performance.
In this post, I will explain the signs of overtraining and debunk myths about working out too much.

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician or a coach before trying any new exercise, diet or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post.

A balanced exercise schedule
Difference between overtraining and intense work
Busting 10 myths about working out too much


You will only experience improvements if you exercise regularly. While exercising on a daily basis is a good habit, it can also be harmful if overdone.
I have been participating in a monthly workout challenge by Livestrong magazine. They provide you with a monthly chart that looks something like this:

As you can see, the schedule has basic exercises, including rest days. As the body gets used to the increasing intensity, rest days are required for recovery.

“During rest days, the body has a chance to remove excess lactate from the muscles. This helps to alleviate muscle pain and soreness.”

“During rest days, cells called fibroblasts repair and build up the muscle tissue.”

Exercising regularly should not be mistaken for working out too much. It’s good to have a weight loss or weight gain goal, but balance it with rest days.

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Photo by Julia Larson on Pexels.com

When you participate in a workout challenge or set a goal to lose weight for the year or month, you might choose to workout daily for immediate results. However, for the first month, you should focus on low-impact, short-duration exercises done twice or three a week.

“The talk test is a simple way to measure relative intensity. In general, if you’re doing moderate-intensity activity, you can talk but not sing during the activity.”

“In general, if you’re doing vigorous-intensity activity, you will not be able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath.”

What are the signs of working out too much?

For a salsa dance competition, I was training with my partner for 3 hours a day, neglecting the pain in my left knee. Until one day, I couldn’t even climb stairs, and my knee felt loose. After checking my x-ray and MRI scan reports, the orthopaedic surgeon told me that I have an ACL injury that requires surgery. I was devastated.

Ignoring rest days, discomfort and exhaustion, not getting enough sleep, feeling lethargic, and consuming unhealthy meals and beverages are clear signs of working out too much. Concentrate on overall fitness rather than one muscular group. Maintain focus and avoid burnout by prioritising adequate warm-up and stretching after workouts.

Your may also like to read: How to Prevent and Recover From Common Workout Injuries


Photo by Anush Gorak on Pexels.com
1 It’s not addiction; it’s a love for exercising.

Too much of anything is bad, and if you ignore the pain then it makes everything worse for your body. Listening to your body and taking rest are essential parts of an exercise schedule.

2 Targeting one muscle group gives better results.

The most common marketing gimmick is focusing on one muscle group to lose weight. To see results, you must burn the most calories during your entire cardio activity. Every week, you should balance your usual exercise programme with strength training, cardio, and stretches, especially if you are a beginner. Begin with one short workout and gradually increase the duration or intensity over the course of a month.

3 Working out more often will help you lose weight faster.

Losing weight requires a personalised fitness plan as well as a well-balanced diet. As I previously stated, you must relax, heal, and recharge your body and mind. There is no such thing as an instant weight loss.

4 Age doesn’t matter when it comes to daily workouts.

After reaching the age of 40, your body begins to lose muscular mass. Some people who are marathon runners since young age can adapt easier. They do, however, experience a decrease in energy due to reduced estrogen and progesterone levels. Strength training to preserve muscle mass is medically proven to benefit you in your daily workout.

5 Working out after an injury makes you stronger.

Injury healing requires time, and exercise after injury requires doctor’s approval. Certified coaches focus on strength training and maintaining a balanced schedule, to improve overall fitness. Working out regularly is like running a marathon. You need to conserve your energy for the final leg of the race instead of sprinting on the first one.

6 No pain, no gain is the mantra that should be followed strictly.

It’s important to understand the difference between sore and weak muscles. Your gym instructor knows the correct duration of exercise that will help you grow stronger rather than weaker. Recognising the signs of exhaustion caused by working out too much implies you should seek the advice of a professional. It will also assist you in detecting early warning symptoms that indicate a chronic condition.

7 One hour of daily exercise is necessary to accomplish your health goals.

The duration of a workout schedule doesn’t determine exercise intensity; it depends on the body’s tolerance and heart rate. Start with low intensity workouts and increase duration and reps after three weeks, aiming for a more objective comparison.

8 Exercise reduces symptoms of depression.

Exercise reduces depression and activates happy hormones. However, if you’re feeling lethargic, try enjoyable physical activities like walking or playing sports. Overtraining drains energy and weakens you, making it harder to maintain fitness goals.

9 Gym equipment is necessary for strength training.

Dancers appreciate bodyweight exercises for strength training, but gym equipment isn’t necessary. As a beginner, you should start with basic exercises to understand strengths and weaknesses.

10 Meditation is not a real exercise because you don’t sweat.

Regular exercise requires discipline and focus, while meditation helps channel positive energy and reduce stress-induced heart attacks. By focusing inward, one can listen to the body and avoid overtraining, promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts
Working out too much and injuring yourself is as bad as not showing interest in physical activity. You will not see results instantly, but the first few weeks are a test of your discipline. Focus on remaining consistent before increasing the duration or intensity of your workout. But most importantly, include rest days in your workout schedule to live a healthy, balanced life.

You can connect with me on Twitter or Goodreads.


Are You Exercising Too Much? Here’s How to Tell (and Why It Can Be Risky), By Kimberly Zapata, Medically Reviewed by Justin Laube, MD, Reviewed: August 13, 2021.

When and how to spend a rest day, Medically reviewed by Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS, Fitness — By Jenna Fletcher on January 28, 2021.

How Much Exercise Is Too Much Exercise? by ARIANE RESNICK, CNC UPDATED ON 01/30/22, reviewed by TRACI COPELAND Fitness Trainer fact checked by ANNA HARRIS.

Exercise intensity: How to measure it, Get the most from your workouts by knowing how to gauge your exercise intensity, By Mayo Clinic Staff.

23 thoughts on “10 Myths About Working Out Too Much

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    1. Thank you, Cindy. Everyone deserves peace and positivity in life. But keeping a balance is sometimes difficult. Awareness of the body is just one step towards maintaining balance.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I didn’t realise people thought of meditation as exercising. I meditate daily but don’t consider that part of my exercising routine and still do yoga and light cardio. I guess it exercises the mind but definitely not a physical exercise. Really interesting post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Pooja, for your valuable feedback. The ultimate purpose of exercise is to make you active and energetic. Meditation fulfills two things at once. It reduces stress by silencing our worries by being grateful for the present. And while doing deep breathing exercises, which is also meditative, we inhale positive thoughts and exhale negative energies.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is really helpful. It’s really best to listen to our bodies because what works for someone doesn’t necessarily work for us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Lux. Nowadays, the before and after weight loss advertisements sometimes work against us. They make us insecure about our bodies instead of highlighting the positive impact of everyday movements. Being conscious of our health is a good thing but when we start defining ourselves in terms of a specific shape, then it becomes toxic. Our health goals need a recheck before we start trying different things to fit into industry defined definition of a perfect body.
      Thanks so much for reading and liking this post.


  3. What about exercising ones mind?!
    I agree that we should all move more to retain the body that will allow us to fly on the wing of a plane in our nineties, but there are limits…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Our mind is always working, even when we are exercising. Dance is a form of cardio exercise that also improves cognitive functions. Like when trying to remember dance steps, coordinating hands and legs together, moving in different directions, balancing, jumping and turning. Injury happens when we stop listening to our bodies and confuse severe pain to be just tiredness. Awareness of body and mind makes a person happy and active. But if you are not enjoying exercises then you should do simple things like spending time in nature that refreshes your body and mind.
      I hope I have answered your concerns, Gaby?


      1. Just being active, while important, doesn’t make up for reading and learning, or you would notice that
        I am Joanna and not Gaby.
        My friendship with a wild hedgehog
        Influenced the creation and the name of my blog “Gabychops” as his name was short for Gabriel, the Angel due to his sweet personality.


      2. I deeply apologize for my mistake Joanna. A very thoughtful name for your blog.
        I love doing exercises and reading books. I think both are important in life. While reading/learning and exercising are not similar, I get inspired from both. I have an emotional connection with reading because I learn so much about the world. And I love exercising because I learn about my strength and weaknesses.
        But one can choose between the two and do what makes them happy.


      3. Thank you, Ranjana, for your gracious reply! If you are interested in good books and reading, perhaps you could look up my series on the great books of the world.
        If you put
        naturetails.blog will take you to my series, you can start anywhere you like but part one is about Indian literature, starting with the first and only winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, and after that, there are American greats…
        I do hope that you like it!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmmm!!!
    well well
    Your health blogs makes me nervous, because ufff you write so well. Love the topics and the info.

    So the thing with workout is, everyone needs different style, form and pace!!

    Generally I’ve seen trainers who tell the same kind of stuff to everyone.
    They will overtrain others
    and infact they give wrong advice.
    So, this kind of info is needed

    We should be wise enough to know about our own needs

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for appreciating my blog, Du. I totally agree that we should always be aware of what works and does not works for us. And rest days help us find out if we are moving in the right direction. Sometimes identifying pain as temporary or permanent becomes difficult. But if there’s delay in recovery, one should definitely consult a physiotherapist.

      Liked by 1 person

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