How To Use Travelling As A Therapy

travel as a therapy

When life gives you stress and you can’t find a solution, travelling can act as therapy to escape the worries, heal from toxic situations, and regain your balance and happiness in life.

I enjoy looking at the online photographs of my friends travelling solo, overlooking beautiful landscapes. As a solo traveller myself, it’s refreshing to visit a new place, find interesting things to do, and make new friends.

But I was surprised when a friend said that he was travelling to escape and find a new way of life. He told me that he is feeling burned out and does not have the energy to deal with things at his workplace. I thought he was running away from the situation instead of trying to find a solution to his problem.

I was so wrong because when he returned from his trip and met me after a week, he was a changed person. He told me that he has healed, and even though the problem still exists, he has found ways to deal with it. WHAT A TRANSFORMATION!

Yes, travelling can be used as therapy in many ways. In this post, I will suggest how to effectively use travelling to heal wounds and worries. 

You may also like to read: Health and Hygiene: How Has My Travel Itinerary Changed Post-COVID in 2022?

Interact with locals and travellers
Volunteer tourism or Voluntourism
Experiencing nature photography

Disclaimer: All contents in this post are for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician or a coach before trying any new exercise, diet or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post. 


On my first solo trip, I was scared to talk to anyone. Travelling to the hills in an interstate tourist bus, I avoided talking to an American couple sitting beside me. When I arrived at the hotel, I knew they were judging me for travelling solo as a young girl. 

Later on this trip, I met an Australian woman who was also travelling solo. She was also there to try paragliding. She was 68 years old and enjoying retirement. I also made friends with the paraglider, who told me that in the tourist season, he works here, and during the winter, he helps his family on his apple farm.

It is just one example where my love for hearing personal stories overcomes my introverted shyness. 

Whether you are travelling solo, in a group, or as a couple, interacting with locals as well as other like-minded travellers is always interesting. It also helps in forgetting your worries. 

Stress forces you to feel isolated and pushes you into a corner. You feel like a loser when you are unable to handle a situation. And at times, it seems difficult to get back up or even to fight. It could be brought on by the loss of a relationship, career, goal, or sense of purpose in life.

Interacting with locals and other travellers shifts the focus from your problems to other experiences. Sometimes listening to other people’s stories indirectly solves your problem or like in the case of my friend, helps you find better ways to deal with a situation. Travelling allows you to let go of any mental boundaries you may have set in place. And more often than not, you can solve your own problems by refocusing inwards rather than looking for them outside. To grow in life, you must learn to listen to yourself deeply and actively.

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Voluntourism has become popular these days. It means travelling to a location to help local people or support a cause. You are responsible for paying your own transportation expenses both ways. You might have to pay a little fee to organisations for lodging and meals. However, some organisations offer you free lodging, meals, and experiences in exchange for your expertise and availability.

There is an increasing demand for volunteers with skills like language teachers, community welfare workers, sports coaches, environment conservationists, climate crisis warriors, medical support staff, digital marketing experts, photographers and videographers, social media managers, bloggers and YouTubers, etc.

I haven’t tried volunteering, but I do know of an organisation called 17000 Feet.

“17000 ft Foundation was born to address this exodus of families from frontier mountain villages by facilitating Quality Education to the children near their homes even in the remotest hamlets of the IHR (Indian Himalayan Region). The foundation believes that geography and distances should not be barriers for providing equal learning opportunities to the children of the IHR.

Presently, 17000ft has footprints in Ladakh and Sikkim and is working in 350+ remote schools to improve the quality of education in the Govt. Schools of the frontier villages and thus preserving the social fabric of these heritage villages.” 

For more info, you can check their website:

You’ve probably heard the expression “sharing is caring.” Your personal issues will seem insignificant in contrast when you volunteer to assist someone in need. Everyone has problems in their lives. But it’s easier to handle things when you share the duties. Becoming a part of a community and offering your services has advantages. Your goal in life can be to become the richest person in the world. However, volunteering adds more meaning to your life.

You may also like to read: Tips and Tricks To Reduce Jet Lag Symptoms 


I am a huge fan of nature photography. I wish I could also create magic like some photography bloggers on WordPress. Nature is inspiring, refreshes the mind, and is healthy for the heart. Spending some quiet time in nature is like meditation. 

When your worries surround you and you want more clarity of mind, travel to a place full of greenery. There’s something about the colour green that is so calming. 

Why should you try nature photography? 

Photography is about keen observation and having a unique perspective. When you shift your focus from your problems to the details present in nature, you understand the following: 

  • Your life is ever changing just like different seasons and weather. The problem you are facing right now is just a phase. It will change soon. 
  • God is an incredible artist. You are his amazing creation. Be grateful for this precious life. 
  • And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. – Mathew 6:28–29
  • When you are completely relaxed and calmly watching the amazing starry night, it creates more space for positive ideas. 
  • Stress affects your blood pressure and breathing. When you spend time in nature, pausing to take a photograph, you try to adjust the lens to what is beautiful and edit distractions. Life’s problems can also be dealt in a similar manner. Focus on the positive by removing negative thinking.


Travelling is escaping not from the problem but from the chaos. Travelling provides an opportunity to rethink, meditate, and channel positive energy into your life. Relaxing your mind is important to thinking clearly and finding a solution. 


Voluntourism? My Practical Tips to Do it Right!,  By Tanisha Guin, Last updated on December 12, 2019.

33 thoughts on “How To Use Travelling As A Therapy

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  1. It was so nice to read this post. It is packed with good food for thought and it feels so nourishing. I’ve had mixed feelings about traveling and escaping. I guess it depends on the decisions and actions we take. Sometimes we travel to fix something but fail to do the inner work, other times it is such a powerful experience of transformation. Either way, this post helped me reconnect and re-see some aspects I’m working on right now. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your honest thoughts about this post, Vanessa. It’s true that when the inner chaos is too loud, sometimes we cannot find peace outside while traveling. I know it bcoz I have experienced both. I have realised that the journey to inner healing is a process that sometimes may take a lot of time to process and understand fully. However, my inner Christopher Columbus is urging me to try a yoga retreat this winter to reconnect with my body and mind. I know I need to reinvent myself.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Travelling definitely needs a lot of planning. And for women travellers two things are most important – safety and hygiene. I hope you soon find an opportunity to volunteer and travel.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jenny.


  2. I have always enjoyed traveling and would like to do it more often. I can attest to spending time in the outdoors in nature and enjoying the green and all that nature gives is a truly calming experience. I have come across the most beautiful of places and it was challenging to capture the essence with photography. I agree if anyone is able to, to definitely get out and enjoy nature.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, Netert. Travelling specially in Nature is a form of meditation. And even if someone is not a professional photographer, it definitely helps to experience nature more closely.
      Thanks for reading and liking this post. 🙏


  3. For me, traveling is like “I can be whoever I want, nobody knows me, and I’m not there for long anyway. I can get out of my shell and let go of my anxiety for a while”. Can’t wait to do it more! Great post, btw! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Traveling for mental health sounds like a wonderful idea. When I’m overwhelmed I often take myself on small dates or getaways and it helps a lot. Good post! – Riyah Speaks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful Riyah. Small dates and getaways by yourself for mental health is a great idea.
      Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts.


  5. I miss traveling, it refreshes you and reminds you there is more to life then just work. Thanks for this post 🙂 Glad I found your blog

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice post!! No doubt traveling provides you refreshment. Even if one can not afford to travel too far like hill station in Himachal or beaches in Goa, but a shor trip to a nearby monument will also rejuvenate him/her. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to visit all of India. But something has changed within me bcoz of lockdown. I am still hopeful that circumstances will change and I will be able to continue traveling soon.


  7. “Your personal issues will seem insignificant in contrast when you volunteer to assist someone in need” this is so true. It’s so easy to get caught up in the small things, helping others really can help us get out of our own heads and gain perspective

    Liked by 1 person

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