Clever Ways To Plan A Travel Workout Routine

Travelling can also include a simple and effective workout routine that lets you enjoy your holiday as well as maintain fitness. Find out more about it in this post. 

Maintaining your workout routine is difficult during travel. You want to visit different places, enjoy, relax, and spend time with your partner, family, and friends. But what about your New Year’s resolution to lose weight or build muscle in order to outdo your previous year’s self? It’s easier said than done.

Some people like to take a break from exercise because their bodies require it. There are chances that the mini break from exercise will make you lazy and disrupt your fitness goals.

Disclaimer: All content in this post is for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician before trying any new exercise, diet, or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post. 

Do you want to exercise while travelling or take a break?

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Lifestyle changes are challenging, even for a highly motivated individual. You have to balance your personal and professional life. The irony is that if you do not take care of your physical and mental health, then your personal and professional life will also suffer in the long run.

Therefore, it’s necessary to try to keep your health goals in mind even while traveling. Just like you take your pet for a walk regularly, you bathe and keep your house clean regularly. Likewise, you need to include exercise in your daily routine.

To incorporate any new habit into your routine, you need to start small. Here are some clever ways to plan a travel workout routine and stay healthy.

Plan your workout routine just like you plan your travel.

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Do you make a travel checklist? How do you plan where and when and for how many days you are traveling? These questions will help you schedule your regular workout routine. 

The location of your travel is very important to consider while fixing a workout routine.

Are you visiting a hill station or a beach, a new city, or the countryside? If you are going to a mountain range, then you will be walking a lot, which is great exercise. If you are going on a beach vacation, then you will have a chance to ride a bicycle. In both these locations, you can also participate in outdoor sports or adventure sports activities.

How is the weather in the place you are visiting?

Checking the weather of your travel destination will help you determine whether to carry woolen or summer clothes. It also changes your workout plans. In the summer, you can do many outdoor and indoor activities. But if you have planned a winter vacation, then even getting out of bed will be difficult.

The best way to maintain your workout plan and get warm during the winter is by doing cardio exercises. Like jogging on-the-spot, high knees, foot exercises, and squats. Doing home workouts is also a good idea if it’s raining outside.

Also read: A Dancer’s Guide to Keeping the Feet Warm in Winter

How much time can you devote to your workout? 

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Short interval workouts are the best during travel and holidays. You can do a 10-minute high-intensity workout or a 20 to 30-minute slow-but-focused workout. Early morning workouts can be jogging or walking, or Pilates. Late-night workouts can be like doing restorative yoga or meditation.

What type of workout can you manage to do during travel?

*You can carry lightweight exercise equipment with you if possible. Like Skipping Rope, dumbbells, resistance bands, and sliders. 

*You can do bodyweight exercises like bear crawl, pushups, planks, etc. 

*If you want to add some weights to your arm strength training, then you can use filled water bottles.

*Fix total reps for each workout. Try not to overwork your muscles during travel. Being consistent with your workout is already winning a challenge.

Also read: Home Workout With A Dish Towel

Are you staying at a hotel or with family?

Do check if the hotel you are staying at has a gym facility. If not, then the easiest way is always to explore vacation spots while walking. Sneak in a walk whenever possible and drink lots of water.

Do you have enough space in your room to exercise? You can do a lot of basic core exercises on your bed. Here’s a great bed workout video.

Video Link:

If you are staying with relatives or family, then managing daily workouts becomes very challenging. If it’s not too weird, then you can do some simple exercises while sitting on the couch. It’s always best to exercise early in the morning before everyone wakes up. Or if you are not too tired, then schedule a few bedtime stretches.

Also read: Practice Active Relaxation With Restorative Yoga

Other ways to include more physical activities when staying with relatives are: 

*Walking – shopping, visiting a zoo, hiking to an early morning sunrise spot, going to a bird sanctuary or wildlife safari, swimming. 

*Camping is a great way to learn new skills and stay physically active. You spend time with your friends and family. You can explore nearby places. Play games together as a family and make great memories. 

*Try to sleep at a fixed time and wake up early. Morning is the best time to exercise on any busy day. 

Also read: Healthy Ways To Celebrate Your Birthday At Home

*Find nearby jogging or walking parks. Or do some early morning Yoga or Pilates. 

*Play outdoor family games like Frisbees, badminton, basketball, cricket, soccer, etc. 

*Offer to help with housework, shoveling snow, raking leaves, picking wood for the stove, gardening, grocery shopping, etc. 

*Don’t forget to dance at a party because it’s a great way to burn calories. 

*Walk for at least 30 minutes after meals instead of checking your mobile. 

*If you are a freelancer and are going on a workcation, then plan an exercise routine after completing your work. 

*It’s essential to keep track of your physical activities with a smartwatch to keep yourself motivated. 

A meal plan may or may not be successful during travel but you can try these easy diet tips. 

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*Pick a restaurant that serves healthy food and drinks. If that’s not possible, include lean protein and veggies in your meal. Seafood is always a light and healthy choice if it’s not fried. 

*You may not be able to avoid sweet cravings but you can always do portion control. This trick is most successful when you are brunching with family. Pick a variety of food but in smaller portions. 

*You can also fix the number of meals in a day. Like you can have breakfast, lunch, and dinner and avoid snacking in between. Instead, you can drink a lot of beverages to curb those hunger pangs. 

*Do a light dinner throughout your vacation and travel. It will help your body digest food properly while you are sleeping. With a light dinner, you will wake up early in the morning. 

*Take protein powder or calcium tablets with you. Holiday mood can be tiring and the best way to recover your muscles and your mood is to take proteins. Protein intake also makes me feel fuller and you will not indulge too much in unhealthy snacking. 

Whether you are traveling solo or with your partner, fixing a workout routine is a good idea. Staying healthily should never be an option but always a necessity. Traveling is anyway good for mind and body. But to keep enjoying life, focus on how you want to live your life. A positive mindset and a healthy body not just take care of you but also keeps you stronger to be there for your family. Prevention is better than cure. Try to exercise regularly and inspire others to live a healthy life. 


Staying Active and in Shape During the Holidays, By Paige Waehner Updated on May 27, 2020, Fact checked by Emily Swaim.

6 thoughts on “Clever Ways To Plan A Travel Workout Routine

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  1. I always tend to take a break from working out on vacation because it’s such a hassle. But this really helps. I might step outside my usual comfort zone of sticking to walking when away and actually try some video workouts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Doing workouts should never be an added burden in an already busy schedule whether traveling during break or otherwise. Holidays should be a combination of exploring a place as well as relaxing. Walking on the beach for 20 minutes everyday is one idea that will really refresh and relax your body and mind.


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