Have Fun And Burn Calories With A Hula Hoop

have fun and burn calories with a hula hoop
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Playing with a hula hoop is not just for kids. Many performing artists also use the hula hoop as a prop to dance and do unique tricks and stunts. Apart from all these benefits, hula hooping can also help you burn some calories. Find out more about it in this article, where I explore simple and fun alternatives to staying fit.

Disclaimer: All content in this post is for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician before trying any new exercise, diet, or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post. 

My interest in hula hooping grew when I saw a local dancer and artist, Rajni Ramachandran, as @injar88 on Instagram. She can do magic with a hula hoop. She takes part in street dance competitions with a hula hoop. She also performs with not just one but sometimes more than 8 hula hoops at a time. Here’s a glimpse of her mind-blowing work.

Video Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CetpULxgKy3/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

As you can see by the number of her followers, she is a highly respected hula hoop artist. Burning calories is another big reason to play with a hula hoop.

The science behind the spinning of a hula hoop

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According to the Scientific American magazine the forces that work on a hula hoop are:

Weight – forces of gravity pulling the hula hoop down.

Friction – opposing motion of a hula hoop and clothes sliding against each other.

The normal force is

In physics, “normal” means “perpendicular to” not “regular” as it does in everyday speech. The normal force is that which acts perpendicular (at a right angle) to two surfaces that touch each other. For example, a book sitting on a table has a normal force from the table pushing it up, which prevents it from falling. If you push your hand against a wall, the wall exerts a horizontal normal force against your hand (Newton’s third law of motion).

The centripetal force is the result of your body creating a spin by pushing against the hoop. 

Largely, the speed at which you spin should be equal to the push you create for a continuous spinning action when playing with a hula hoop.

Gym workouts or hula hooping?

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com

Doing workouts in a gym is a great way to lose weight because the gym coach knows what types of exercises will suit your body type. He or she will also give you some diet and nutritional advice, which may or may not be accurate, but it will definitely inspire you to eat healthy. Your gym coach will also motivate you to add more intensity to your workouts so that you progress towards your goal.

However, I am a huge fan of home workouts and using simple equipment to stay fit. A hula hoop is a fun thing you can add to your exercise routine. Hula hoops help you achieve that shape without adding bulging muscles.

Playing with a hula hoop boosts energy, relaxes your mind, and is easily available at any store. You can hula hoop while playing with your kids and burn calories simultaneously. Moreover, you don’t need an instructor to tell you how to use a hula hoop. You only need some practice to do it properly.

Hula hooping is just one way to add some physical practice to your regular exercise routine. It is not the only way to burn calories. If your goal is to lose weight, you need to balance it with Pilates, yoga, cardio, and, of course, a nutritious diet.

Does regularly hula hooping burn calories and help in weight loss?

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Burning calories and losing weight are not similar. When you are sitting down to work, you are burning calories. With every waking activity, you burn calories. Losing weight is a targeted effort. You want to engage in an activity with the specific goal of losing weight from a certain body part. You should also do a combination of strength and cardio training. For example, to lose belly fat, you should do different types of abdominal exercises, including working on core strength.

So, why do you need to hula hoop?

Hula hooping is a physical activity that focuses on the fitness of your body and mind. The speed at which you hula hoop is as important as the time you spend doing it. It’s similar to walking. It is a simple activity that anyone can do, but the amount of time spent is what burns the most calories, and the speed at which you walk matters to those who are taking part in a competition. Besides all these benefits, playing with a hula hoop also improves core strength, coordination, posture, alignment of the spine, mobility, and strength in the hips, knees, and ankles.

There have been many medical studies done to prove that weighted hula hooping helps you lose weight. But even if you are using a lightweight hoop, you will burn calories depending on the time you spend with it.

Dr. Edward Laskowski, M.D., who is a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, writes in his journal for Mayo Clinic,

“Hula hooping can provide similar results to other types of aerobic activities, such as dancing. On average, women can burn about 165 calories in 30 minutes and men can burn about 200 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping.” 

Things to consider before hula hooping

Photo by Los Muertos Crew on Pexels.com

Right size 

“The hoop should reach somewhere between your waist and midcoast when it’s resting vertically on the ground.” 

Your fitness goals

All beginners should start with a standard lightweight hoop to understand the speed, balance, and alignment of the hoop against the body. But the smaller and lighter hoops require more energy for continuous spinning.


As you become more used to it, try bigger and heavier hoops that are easy to spin for a longer time. Try hooping for 5 minutes at a slow pace and gradually increasing the speed.


The spinning of a hula hoop is a basic movement, and adding variations to it is your choice. The important thing is to enjoy playing with a hula hoop. In order to do this, play your favourite music and hoop to the beats. You can also make an amazing TikTok video and post it online.

Precautions before hula hoopiing

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com

The two most important things to consider while hooping are balance and strength. 

  • If you have weak bones, you might want to instead do Pilates or other exercises recommended by your physiotherapist. 
  • If you feel any pain or hear any clicking sounds from the joints, stop immediately and consult your doctor. 
  • Wear comfortable and cushioned shoes while hooping. Some people feel more comfortable doing hooping with bare feet because it is easier to understand the weight shift. 
  • Breathing properly and comfortably while hooping is important to really enjoy it. 
  • Engage your core muscles.
  • Relax your neck and shoulders while hooping to avoid any strain. 
  • Keep your spine in a neutral position—not arched or tucked in. 
  • Don’t bend your body; keep it stretched long to allow your lungs and stomach to inhale and exhale fully. 

Here’s a video explaining how to hula hoop properly. Watch, practice, and enjoy. 

Video Link: https://youtu.be/ri8GGSiI3Fw




Hula-Hooping with a Rubber Band, By Ben Finio on November 8, 2018.


Do weighted hula hoops provide a good workout, or are they just a gimmick?, Written by Dr. Edward Laskowski, May 6, 2021.


6 thoughts on “Have Fun And Burn Calories With A Hula Hoop

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    1. Hula hoops can be used for fun as well as to lose weight. Weighted hula hoops are definitely difficult but with practice everything is possible. Thank you for reading this post.


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