Dance Or Workout: Which Option Is Better For Fitness?

dance or workout - which option is better for fitness?
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Dance is a great workout. But how many calories do you burn while dancing? A daily workout maintains fitness. But not everyone enjoys working out. What is the difference between dancing and working out? And why are these two physical activities relatable but not similar?

Dance is part of the entertainment industry, whereas workouts or exercises belong to the fitness industry. There are dance competitions for people who want to dance professionally. Fitness enthusiasts participate in body-building competitions. Workout is a broad term for different exercises, including something as simple as walking. Different dance forms have different dynamics, like Zumba and Aerial dance. 

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Let’s explore the difference between dancing and working out. The list of pros and cons will help you decide which one is best for you. 


  • Difference in goals
  • Movement or workout in one place
  • Developing motor skills
  • Dancing and music
  • Warm up before dancing and stretches afterwards
  • Dancing is a social activity. Workout focuses on individual goals


No party is complete without dancing. Dancing is fun at a kid’s party or a prom or even a club or a wedding. Dancing adds happiness to every occasion. Professional dancers perform for the audience. The goal is to express complex emotions through dancing. It is also considered a therapy that reduces stress and anxiety.

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The goal of a workout depends on the requirements of an individual. A kid or a teenager may be more keen on building strength and flexibility. An adult will focus on maintaining fitness or losing weight. Senior citizens will try short-interval and basic exercises like 30 minute walks with a pet or yoga. A workout can also prove to be therapeutic when done regularly. 


Dance involves movement. There is a constant shifting of the positions in dancing. From one corner of the room to another corner. Dancing on toes or wearing Salsa dance heels to slide on the floor adds more dynamics to the choreography. Some contemporary dancers explore how the body moves in space. Street dancers try different types of upside-down tricks. Ballet dancers challenge the heights to do anti-gravity jumps.

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Workouts in a gym are mostly done standing or squatting on-the-spot. Limited space due to heavy equipment is one of the reasons. But describing movement in a workout is translated in a very different way. Even when you are targeting specific muscle groups, the nerves, breath, and mind are also working simultaneously. Workouts like Calesthenics focus on using body weight to challenge the natural strength of the body. Different types of mobility exercises, like Pilates and Yoga, also help the joints of the body become more agile. 


Motor skill is a function that involves specific movements of the body muscles to perform a certain task. These tasks include walking, running, or riding a bike. In order to perform this skill, the bodies nervous system, muscles, and brain has to all work together.

Well-developed motor skills help the mind and body understand control, balance, and coordination. 

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Different types of dance styles have turns or spins that are not in workouts. The origin of dance is through movement, and therefore, turning and spinning are a big part of dancing. Ballet dancers try non-stop pirouettes, Latin dancers spin their partners in a stylish way, and street dancers turn on the tip of their shoes and flip their hair. Spinning requires control and balance simultaneously. 

Workouts do not have spinning, but it is equally beneficial to develop accurate motor skills. One advantage of working out on a daily basis is that you will gain more control and balance over your body.While doing any workout, it is important to keep your focus on coordination. It can be a coordination of right and left arms or doing the Dead Bug exercise. Exercises like Mountain Climber or even something as rigorous as kickboxing also require proper coordination. To attain maximum benefit from your exercise, it is vital to understand coordination. 


The moment you hear your favourite music, dancing follows. The body finds its sway with the music. Following a rhythm, whether slow or fast, is exciting. Music is the soul of dancing. Music enhances the quality of dancing. Music directs the variations in choreography. Music connects the dancer to the dance. 

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Music is not important for a workout. You can definitely play motivational music while working out, but it’s not the same. Workouts are time-framed. Some workouts depend on counting. The number of counts helps beginners assess strength and stamina. Not everyone feels inspired to crush the goals of the previous day’s workout. It takes a lot of effort to complete the weekly or monthly workout goals. A coach or a friend is necessary to push you to workout every day. 


Every person should do a basic warm-up before dancing. This applies to both a kids class and an adult dance class. A good warm-up is necessary before dancing to enhance performance. It is a simple way to alert the brain and the muscles that you are about to start dancing. Likewise, good stretching exercises are also important after sweating it hard on the dance floor. It helps to cool down the body, bring the heart rate back to a normal pace, and avoid stiffness or pain in the joints afterwards. 

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The same cannot be said about workouts. Dancing also has exercises, but working out is the exercise. Not every fitness enthusiast can dance well. People use gym equipment to improve their workouts. It can be a kettle bell or weights, or even a yoga mat or stretch bands. These are basic equipments that can be used by anyone. Stretch bands, skipping ropes, and pull-ups are also used to enhance the intensity of a workout. 


Dance clubs are a perfect place to meet new people. Dancing is one way to show confidence and a friendly personality. Salsa and ballroom dancing are always in demand for couples for family functions. Folk dances are important to preserve and showcase a culture and the people of its community. When people dance together, they share happy moments. Group dances are also a way to welcome guests into a community. Competitions for dance groups help kids learn about teamwork. Dancing is therapeutic. 

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A workout is a solo activity. It is important to workout with a goal in mind, which depends on an individual’s needs. There are workout groups online and offline that focus on one specific workout suitable for most people. It is a wonderful way to motivate and inspire each other. It also keeps a person accountable for their daily efforts. Suggestions and diet tips help people improve every day. 

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You may like dancing more than working out, or vice versa. There are people who hesitate to dance, and there are people who are too lazy to do workouts. Both have their pros and cons. You can choose to do a private session for both dancing and working out. Dancing and working out can both be enjoyed when you see the results. They encourage everyday movement to stay fit. Control over your body makes you confident and improves your posture. Dancing and working out are positive activities that encourage people to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. 


Excerpt from Dancer Wellness with Web Resource by Mary Virginia Wilmerding & Donna Krasnow. Published on Human Kinetics – Motor Learning In Dance

5 thoughts on “Dance Or Workout: Which Option Is Better For Fitness?

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  1. I think as long as someone is enjoying moving about and is introducing movement in some way for the health and fitness then it’s great to have the choice about what works for us (dependign on our goals, of course). Great post — I appreciate the info!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I became aware of the importance of walking during lockdown. I never realised that movement affects our psychology so much. Thanks for the read Molly 🙂


  2. You are absolutely correct Nithin. It all boils down to personal preference and goals. Thanks for the read 🙂


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