How To Plan And Improve Your Morning Routine

Break the loop of following a strict to-do list and failing to complete tasks. Here’s a reminder cheat sheet that will improve your daily morning routine. 

Early mornings are the best time to start your day. Some people love to get up early in the morning and others are forced to wake up when the alarm rings. But it’s a known fact that you will be able to accomplish most of your tasks if you start early. Waking up without a fixed routine most of the time leads to a grumpy mood and leaves important tasks incomplete. Prioritizing things also takes effort because, in today’s technological age, everyone is multitasking. 

I am a planner and my childhood journals are filled with to-do lists. I like to make checklists and feel accomplished once I tick off each task for the day. I update my checklist as soon as I get an opportunity for a new dance project. Sometimes a certain life event may take up to a year or more like moving to a new house or traveling to a new place. 

Disclaimer: All contents ideas in this post are original and inspired by my personal experience. All suggestions in this blog are for general health information only and are not a substitute for medical advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post. 

Before I present my cheat sheet to improve and plan your morning routine, there are a few things to consider. Everybody’s priorities in life are different. Our busy lives consist of three types of mornings: busy, lazy, moody, or unpredictable. 

Busy mornings are for all parents and office workers who are always rushing from one corner of the world/office/room to another. 

Lazy mornings are for people who don’t have to worry about expenses or salaries.

Moody or unpredictable mornings are of freelancers and artists who have the luxury to fix a schedule according to their work of the day. 

Why does sticking to a morning routine fail? 

Photo by August de Richelieu on

Sometimes, even after planning a day, the schedule may change because of a sudden incident, mood, or exhaustion. A morning routine may get disrupted when:

-You have added too many tasks in a day.

-You don’t have an exciting purpose for the day which is a result of no long-term goal.

-You are confused about prioritizing others over yourself or vice versa.

-You haven’t scheduled downtime or quiet time for yourself in a day.

-You are trying to do everything by yourself instead of smartly delegating work among family members.

-You don’t like your work or your workplace.

-You lack ambition or a definite purpose in life. 

-You lack motivation because your work is good but pays less. 

-A loss of a loved one or a breakup or abuse has disturbed your mental peace leaving you insecure and dependent on someone. 

While visiting a therapist whenever you feel lost is a good idea, it also costs money. Setting a morning routine can be the first step to improving your well-being and lifestyle. You just have to take one gentle but consistent step at a time.

Here’s a cheat sheet that will improve your morning routine. You can use it as a reference point to make a fresh start. Or you may see this cheat sheet as a reminder of things that you already do. The idea is to give you a basic sheet that is flexible and easy to modify according to your priorities. 

You may also like to read: Practice Active Relaxation With Restorative Yoga

Here are a few helpful suggestions:

Have a good night’s sleep 

When you wait for the day to end, it gives you less time to plan things properly. 7 pm is a good time to start planning what you are going to eat for dinner. The ideal time to have dinner is 830 pm. Some people like to have heavy meals because when we sleep we are fasting. Also, it’s important to let your body restore energy while you are asleep. Some people prefer to have a light dinner. It will wake you up early because of hunger. 

Trying to get a good night’s sleep is the most underrated advice. But we all know it’s important. Meditate for a few minutes to have a peaceful sleep. 

Practice the power of visualization 

Being stuck in the past or procrastinating hasn’t helped anyone. Visualise yourself solving a difficult problem in your professional or personal life. Visualise creating a better life for yourself and your family. Motivate yourself by aligning your morning routine with your life or career goals. For example, while I was watching the tv series Young Rock which is based on Dwayne Rock Johnson’s life. It shows how he remained consistent in his morning workout routine, especially during his struggling days. Therefore, having an exciting purpose of the day keeps you motivated.  

You may also like to read: The Japanese Secret For A Good Night’s Sleep

Schedule listening to positive affirmations 

Hitting the snooze button after the first sound of the alarm is obvious. Make positive use of technology and schedule positive affirmations. There are many helpful apps on Android and Apple that can help you set a schedule to listen to positive affirmations. Just sit comfortably on a mat or your bed, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and start listening to inspiring words to make a fresh new start. 

Five minutes of basic morning stretch 

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

It takes just five minutes to do basic morning stretches. Head rolls, overhead arm stretches, side stretches, toe touches, hip rolls, etc. Everyday basic stretches maintain the overall mobility of the body. It also reduces stiff muscles and improves posture. 

You may also like to read: Master The Toe Touch Pose in 4 Easy Steps

Drink a glass of warm water 

After waking up and even before preparing your morning coffee, drink a glass of warm water. Besides hydrating your body, warm water flushes out toxins. It also activates the metabolism which results in better digestion throughout the day. It also helps reduce bloating. The best time to have your morning coffee is after breakfast. 

Wear your favourite accessory to work 

Sometimes a simple addition to your life can bring a smile to your face and a hop to your walk. Add your favourite accessory or try something new like a red scarf with your dress to cheer you up. 

Listen to feel-good music while cooking or preparing breakfast 

Schedule a different time to check your mail or the daily news. There is enough chaos in the world already. Morning can be your best time by creating a positive diversion. Sing your favourite song or a hymn. Play an energetic song while you stir and prepare the first meal of the day. 

Eat a healthy breakfast

Photo by Emrah Tolu on

A healthy breakfast is most of the time easier to cook. It can include veggies, dry fruits, milk or eggs, and bread. Mornings are the perfect time when you can actually see what your kids are eating. Try to give them and yourself a balanced meal. 

Pack healthy snacks

For the in-between binging habit, pack healthy snacks. You can carry a protein shake or a protein bar. You can also have dark chocolate with nuts. Fruits are always the best option that can be easily carried in a bag or a purse. Try to reduce your smoking and drinking habit. 

Schedule the most important task to complete before lunch 

I have tried reading, writing, and exercising first thing in the morning. And it didn’t work for me. I cannot work with complete focus until I have breakfast. There are many people who will disagree with me. Most fitness enthusiasts exercise early morning. I go to sleep on the yoga mat if I try to do pushups without any breakfast. But I love exercising, so I schedule my daily exercises after I reach the dance studio. On weekends, I first clean the house and then do exercise and then my grooming schedule. The idea is to focus on just one most important task for the day that you can complete before lunch. 

Walk for at least 30 minutes 

Walking is the best and the simplest exercise that should be done even on a holiday. 30 minutes is an easily achievable exercise goal for the day. Try to take a different route to your office or choose to climb stairs instead of an escalator or lift. 

Final Thoughts

There are many more ways to improve and plan your morning routines. This is just one basic cheat sheet that can be easily modified according to your priorities. There will be habits mentioned in this post that you have already read or heard about. And some new habits that you can try to include. If you have any more ideas or suggestions then don’t forget to mention them in the comment section below. 

6 thoughts on “How To Plan And Improve Your Morning Routine

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  1. The 30 minute walk is so simple Rajana but the thing is, most folks overlook simple in the morning, ignore basic strategies then work like a beast to get fit after being negligent for years. My wife and I walk 1 hour or more daily and have done so for a decade and a half. We also do yoga on waking for most days to simply keep open and fit. This fitness gig is doing simple things patiently for a super long time. Excellent post here. Keep up the great blogging work.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are great reminders, I’ll admit i’m horrible at drinking water everyday. I need to buy more lemons. I like everything you touched on because it’s so on point. I get up every morning at 5am to start my day with a coffee and morning pages. I also love that first stretch in the morning and yoga in the afternoon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you liked this post, Leslie. Whether New Year or not, you can start making healthier choices whenever you want. And be flexible to add rest days or cheat days to indulge in your favourite dessert once in a while or wake up a little late. 😀


    1. Thank you Kelly for reading and liking this post. Walking is a great exercise that everyone can do. Drinking warm water works like a magic refresher for me. I love morning coffe but only after breakfast. Once you get the habit of drinking warm water after waking up, you will never go back to anything else.

      Liked by 1 person

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