My Fitness and Blogging Journey in 2023

“Unexpected conversations with gorgeous souls.”

When your heart is happy, even during troubled times, that’s when you are truly healthy. And the only place to start your fitness journey is where you are standing right now, physically and mentally.

That’s how I felt when I started this blog. I was doing myself a favor by expressing my desire to be physically and mentally fit. Along the way, I made some wonderful blogging friends, to whom I am so grateful for liking and commenting on my not-so-perfect articles.

Life is full of surprises, and I was able to share some of my challenges with other bloggers.

This is a thank you post to all of my dear subscribers who I had the privilege to connect with. I had to say this because I had been busy with my new work setup and absolutely neglected WordPress.

I wanted to read all of your blogs, but after work, my eyes started hurting, and it’s time to get eyewear in the next year. I have to learn to schedule and multitask in the next year.

Most of all, I want to write and read as much as I can and of course keep on exercising. I want to thank you all for reading my posts. But before I bid adieu to this year, here are some of my 2023 posts that did really well that some new subscribers would like to read.

How To Use Travelling As A Therapy

When Should You Ask For Mental Health Support?

Books Have The Power To Transform Your Life

Tips and Tricks To Reduce Jet Lag Symptoms 

Famous Authors And Their Exercise Routine 

Celebrate Pollution Free Festivals With Family And Friends

Does Standing Count As An Exercise?

Can AI Teach You To Dance?

5 Animal Flow Moves For Flexibility

As I was going through this list, I could remember all the conversations I had with all my lovely blogger friends and how they encouraged me to keep writing with their inspiring comments.

It only takes a nod, eye contact, and a smile to brighten someone’s day, and I felt all this positivity reflected in the comments. Thanks to viewers who trickled down from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and search engines, especially in the month of December, when I was unable to post any new articles.

A warm welcome to all the new subscribers of my blog. I promise you the blogging journey has more dynamic colours than in a rainbow. Consistency and patience will be your armours with each article you post.

It does not matter what your posting frequency is, if your blog is genuine and reflects your personality, you will be able to connect with equally inspiring bloggers. Take time to search for like-minded bloggers in your niche as well as others.

The health trends that dominated this year were: artificial intelligence in healthcare, fitness wearables, personal wellness, and prioritizing mental health. I think mental health should be an ongoing trend for every year and for people of all ages.

Updates about my life can be summarized in these words: less travel outside of the city, new job, reunions with old friends, more walking and pilates, timely gap between meals, multitasking, distracting new crush, and family responsibilities.

As my job gets more demanding, I am setting bigger goals for 2024, including strength training twice a week and posting workout videos on my new Instagram account. So stay tuned and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

You can connect with me on X and Goodreads.

23 thoughts on “My Fitness and Blogging Journey in 2023

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  1. It’s always an honor to read and support you Ranjana on your “more than perfect” content on you blog!
    Hey, you support me right and we both move and groove from the inside out, listening to our bodies so I’d say that’s more than enough! I’m so honored you listed my book here on your post! Thank you for your endorsement and support always my friend and happiest of new years to you!!! Cheers to a great year with all you wish for!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are so sweet and truly an inspiration to so many people. I always look forward to reading your posts and poems. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. 😘


  2. Happy New Year! I hope you’re able to achieve your new 2024 goals regarding your exercise goals and your blogging ones too.
    You e provided quite a selection of posts that have done well, and it’s really good to see that so many of them have done well. I look forward to reading your content throughout 2024 and beyond

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Devang. I look forward to reading all your posts, my friend, because they keep me focused on staying fit and maintain consistency in blogging.
      Happy New Year ✌️


    1. Thank you so much, Rochelle, and same to you. Your blog is really inspiring and I wish someday to combine my passion for fitness with my love for traveling.
      Happy New Year 🧳💪

      Liked by 1 person

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