How To Choose A Workout According To Your Body Type?

How to choose a workout according to your body type?

Your body type is a reflection of your daily habits and lifestyle. You can improve your overall fitness by selecting the right workout for your body type.

There are so many amazing and impactful workouts. Every workout can be modified once you know your body type. It’s also relevant to choose a workout that you enjoy doing regularly to see effective results.

Trying to understand and figure out what workout to do can be confusing. Most people resort to trying different diets and exercises, as long as the exercise is short enough to fit into their busy schedule. But your choice of workout needs to be more than just for convenience. The workout has to suit your body type because every body is unique. Metabolism, genes, and gender are all important factors to consider before beginning any new workout routine. 

You can get a precise understanding of your body type by getting an annual medical checkup, consulting a dietician, and working with a gym coach. Discovering your physical and dietary requirements will reveal information about your fitness level and body type. Though you may be aware of pear-shaped or athletic body types, medical researchers see a direct connection between body type and an imbalanced lifestyle. Your daily habits and addictions also affect your body type. Physical and mental balance in everything is important to living a healthy life. 

Assessing your body type is not for instant results or magical transformations, but instead a learning process to manage a balance of body and mind to live a healthy life. 

Disclaimer: All content in this post is for general health information only. Please consult a specialist physician before trying any new exercise, diet, or health advice. There are no affiliate links attached to this post. 

Different body types and gender matters

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Assessing your body type is the first step to understanding and creating a customised fitness programme that you will not regret or doubt. This is also important because our bodies adapt according to the surroundings we live in. 

If you are in the habit of slouching backward on a chair or a couch, you will get a pot belly. A long commute to work can lead to many diseases related to air pollution and physical strain. If your thyroid problem affects your metabolism, you have a tendency to gain weight quickly, which means that instead of fasting, you should do a balanced strength training session to maintain overall fitness. 

Work and personal environments affect both men and women. However, medical researchers at Harvard have noticed that most women take better care of their health than most men. The density of the bones starts to decline after the age of 40, but men have a more active metabolism than women. 

“As men age, testosterone levels decline slowly, about 1% a year, but estrogen levels drop abruptly at menopause, boosting the risk of osteoporosis.”

More men have a tendency to store fat in their abdominal area, but accumulating lower body fat in the buttocks and thighs can be risky for women. 

“Excess body fat is never a good thing, but abdominal obesity is much riskier than lower body obesity, sharply increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Aesthetics aside, women are shaped better.”

How to choose a workout for your body type?

“The three basic human body types are the endomorph, the mesomorph, and the ectomorph. These categories, or “somatotypes,” were developed in the 1940s by psychologist William Herbert Sheldon. “

Endomorphs tend to store fat and bulk up easily because of their narrow shoulders and fat deposits in the lower body. 

“A workout plan for endomorphs must include both cardio and resistance training. Building muscle is not hard, but you must be careful about overtraining.”

Endomorphs benefit from a well-balanced combination of cardio exercise and a tailored diet plan. Starting slow is a great idea with lots of patience and consistency. It’s also about overcoming unhealthy cravings and forming a regular workout habit. 

The Mesomorphs have a thin build, longer limbs, wide shoulders, and a narrow waist. They are naturally much fitter and stronger than the rest, but an imbalanced diet can also impact their bodies. They don’t have difficulty losing or gaining weight. They need to stay active to live a stress-free life. 

An ectomorph is just the opposite of an endomorph in that they have an almost skinny appearance, very much like a marathon runner. Despite this, they should never neglect strength training because they have difficulty gaining muscle mass. Working with weights is absolutely necessary if they are training for bodybuilding competitions or want a more athletic body type. 

You may also like to read: The Importance Of Keeping A Fitness Journal

How to plan a workout routine for your overall fitness? 

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A regular workout is the best way to stay fit, but it can be divided into short-interval training sessions with different variations. The essential components that most people target are strength training, flexibility, cardio, bodyweight, etc. There are many ways to keep a check on your health.

Participate in an online monthly workout challenge
There are many health and fitness groups online where you can join a monthly workout challenge. In 30 days, you can do different variations of the plank challenge or a squat challenge. Being part of an exercise community keeps you inspired to workout regularly. 

Make a weekly workout routine with your favourite exercises
You can begin by selecting 3 of your favourite exercises and creating a schedule with the day and time to do those exercises on alternate days. Likewise, you can also make a plan to avoid sugary and artificial drinks for a week. The following week, you can add salads to every meal or walk after each meal for a week. 

Plan a different exercise for each day
You can exercise daily for 15 minutes. On Monday, you can schedule yoga because Mondays are usually stressful compared to other days. Similarly, you can do bodyweight exercises on Tuesdays, flexibility stretches on Wednesdays, weight training on Thursdays, cardio on Fridays, dancing on Saturdays, and a rest day on Sundays. 

Include a physical activity that is not an exercise
A regular physical activity that is not an exercise can mean playing a sport regularly or going hiking. You can also schedule swimming, which is a great overall body workout and stress reliever. You could also try cycling or skateboarding.

Just like you analyse your company’s stock rates or website content analytics, likewise, assessment of body type simply means a careful examination of daily routine and lifestyle to improve fitness. You get the results you invest in. With regular exercise and healthy eating and drinking, it will be easier for you to manage stress, recover from illness quickly, and become a stronger person.


Body Types: How to Exercise and Eat for Your Body

Mars vs. Venus: The gender gap in health,August 26, 2019.

10 thoughts on “How To Choose A Workout According To Your Body Type?

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  1. Great tips on how to choose the right workout for your body type! It’s important to take into account individual factors such as metabolism, genes, and gender. A personalized approach to fitness can lead to more effective and sustainable results.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Molly for your feedback. Choosing a workout according to your body type makes it easier to get a customised and precise plan for overall improvement.


    1. I am glad you found this post valuable. It’s always a good idea to recheck if the workout you are doing is effective for your body type. It’s a small thing but makes a huge difference. 💪🏋️‍♀️


    1. Thank you so much Fransic for supporting my blog. Taking time out for workout is very important especially in this modern, multitasking age. It isn’t easy to stick to a workout routine but every little effort can prove to be a healthy investment.


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